Chapter Thirteen: See You Differently

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            Haruhi and I had just arrived to our first class of the day. Neither of the twins had shown up yet, which I didn't know was a good thing or not. I sat on her left, and began unpacking my bag.

"Hey Haruhi, Miyoko," a single voice called out. It was Hikaru, standing all alone. And with pink hair. "Good morning," he said cheerfully.

"Hikaru, what in the world happened to your hair? Why is it dyed pink?" Haruhi asked.

"Cause pink suits me, don't you think it's cute? From now on I'm the pink-haired twin. I didn't want to be mistaken for that Kaoru for the rest of my life, you know?"

"Speak of the devil," I muttered as his twin entered the room. His blue-haired twin.

"Good morning Haruhi, Miyoko," he greeted.

"So Kaoru's the blue twin?" Haruhi asked.

"I was finally able to sleep all by myself last night. But I ended up having a nightmare. I dreamt that my stylist had dyed my hair pink," Kaoru said mockingly. Hikaru had taken the seat next to me, and Kaoru was in the process of sitting down on Haruhi's other side. "It was so garish and ridiculous looking I woke up screaming." Before he sat down, Hikaru tilted his chair and stretched his leg to kick his chair out from underneath Kaoru. Kaoru wasn't about to let that pass. He grabbed onto the leg of Hikaru's chair and pulled it roughly, causing Hikaru to fall. Without a single word they both stood and began throwing everything that they could get their hands on at each other. Chairs, books, vases, bags, everything. I grabbed my book bag and stood up from my desk.

"I'll sit somewhere else," I said, and went to go sit in the back corner of the room.


It was finally lunch time, which meant that I wouldn't be stuck in a stuffy room with the rampaging twins any longer. I was the first out of the room, but the last to enter the dining hall. I sat alone at an empty table and waited for Haruhi to join me. She was too busy speaking to the other hosts.

"Miyoko, do you mind if I sit with you?" Hikaru asked.

"Not at all," I said.

"Great." He smiled cheerfully. "So what's that? What'd you bring for lunch?" he asked and pointed at my box lunch.

"Oh, I don't really know. Haruhi made it for me this morning because I overslept," I said sheepishly.

"It can't be worse than my lunch. You want to switch with me? I had to order something different than Kaoru so I ended up with stuff I don't really like." I couldn't even accept before he switched our lunches, and I had a fancy looking meal placed in front of me. This looks amazing! He doesn't like this stuff? I took a bite of the food and it tasted like pure bliss.

"This is so good," I squealed and took another bite. "Mmm," I moaned when I tasted the soup.

"Oh, Miyoko, you're just the cutest!" Tamaki cooed and popped up next to me.

"So Miyoko, is that any good? How would you like to taste mine?" Kaoru asked as he sat on my other side. He took a spoonful of his dessert, and held my chin with his hand. He smiled cutely and kept switching his gaze from my eyes to my lips as he brought the spoon closer to my lips. I opened my mouth willingly, but Hikaru swooped in and ate it himself.

"Quite butting in, get lost, Kaoru," he said. Kaoru let go of the spoon, and picked up his bowl of soup. He lobbed it at Hikaru, but his brother pulled Tamaki in front of him as a shield, and the soup was splattered across his face instead. They got into another one of their throwing matches, and I stood up from my seat.

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