Chapter Twenty-Two: Friends

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Haruhi was surprised at how full of energy I seemed to be this morning. Instead of having to wake me up before we were late, which she had to do most mornings, I was already dressed and cooking breakfast before she rolled out of bed. She was definitely confused at my actions, and she didn't try and hide it.

"Is everything okay?" she asked me from across the table as we ate our breakfast.

I smiled hugely. "I'm great, how are you doing this morning?" I asked and took a long sip of my coffee.

"Um, I'm fine."

"Great!" I took another sip.


"Miyoko, are you sure you're okay? I know you said you were yesterday, but you're going to have to face him at school. Are you ready for that?"

I took a breath and put on a serious face. She saw through whatever charade I was trying to put on. Of course she did, she knew me better than anyone. "I've already decided that I'm over him. I stayed up all night trying to figure it out, but I finally did. Added to the fact that he was a complete asshole, there was no spark. Whatever I thought I felt for him is gone. Maybe there weren't any feelings in the first place and I was just fooling myself. So there's really no reason to be upset anymore. I just hope we can be friends like we were before." I sighed and ran a hand through my hand.

"You're really smart, you know that?" Haruhi said and gave me a small smile.

I smiled back at her. "I know." I looked at the clock, which told me that we should be leaving for school any minute now. "Come on, let's get going," I said, and we both started the path to school.


"Good morning," the twins said, walking into the classroom just a few minutes after Haruhi and I arrived. I studied Hikaru's face, looking to see if he was acting any differently. At most, there was an underlying glint of guilt in his eyes, but other than that, he was smiling just as brightly as his brother. Today, they occupied the two seats in front of Haruhi and I instead of beside us.

"Good morning," I chirped, sounding as my normal self. I didn't think that they noticed. Hikaru's gaze lingered on me for a second longer than normal, then sat down and faced the front. I was surprised at how different he was acting. Any other person would see him acting no different than any other day, but after getting to know the Hitachiin like I did, there was something off about him. He sat tucked into his desk, not leaning back, closer to me like he usually did. His eyes were fixated on the ceiling, not on the board or his desk where he was tapping his pen. And weirdest of all, he didn't communicate with me at all throughout the entire class.

Obviously, we weren't on the same page about acting normal.


After school ended, I left Haruhi to go to my locker and fetch my ballet shoes. As I was skipping my way towards the music room, I spotted two identical heads through the small crowd of people in the hall. I smiled to myself, snuck around the few hall wanderers. I threw my arms around the two boys and squeezed in between them.

"Hi, Hikaru and Kaoru!" I smiled.

"Hi, Miyoko," Kaoru greeted just as happily. But Hikaru remained silent, and I took my arm off of him. Then I removed my arm from Kaoru. I gave him a questioning look, to which he shrugged, and watched his brother with concern written all over his face.

"Um, so are you guys excited for summer break?" I asked. I knew I was. School wasn't bad, but doing nothing except relax for two months? That sounded way better than sitting in a stuffy classroom all day.

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