Chapter Thirty: Preparations

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 Hikaru was driving me crazy. Not in the same crazy way as before, when he would make my heart pound and my cheeks heat up. No. Now, he was making me go truly insane. Not a prank nor a trick were played on me by him, not even a single practical joke. I knew that I should be counting my blessings and be glad that he wasn't targeting me, but how could I be grateful when at any moment he could send a demon my way? I was becoming paranoid, just waiting for him to jump out at me wearing a scary ghost mask and go 'Boo!' And if he told Kaoru about my fear? I was done for.

It was currently in homeroom at Ouran, and we were all sitting together in class. My eyes were burning daggers into the back of Hikaru's head while he was sitting in his usual seat in front of me. I knew that he could feel me staring, because he'd turned his head to look at me questioningly more than once. I thought that I was beginning to freak him out with all of my strange behaviour, but he had to know what was making me act this way.

"Alright, next item on the agenda," The class president, Kazukiyo Soga, said from the front of the room. He breaks me out of my trance, and I switch my gaze from Hikaru to him. "I move to discuss what the class plans will be for next week."

"Next week?" Haruhi asked.

"Yeah, Halloween!" Hikaru says excitedly, turning around in his seat to look at both Haruhi and I.

"Oh, Haruhi and Miyoko. You two have only been students at Ouran Academy since high school, right? So you don't know," Momoko Kurakano speaks softly, also at the front of the room next to the class president. She had stopped writing on the chalk board to address Haruhi and I. "After we finish taking our exams for the fall we're allowed a few days off until the end of October. And we get to throw costume parties on campus to celebrate!"

"And also, to promote comradery, each class is allowed to use an entire day for a special class event of their choosing," the class president adds.

"Event? Like what?" I ask curiously.

Kaoru leans over to my desk. "They're pretty fun actually."

"Yeah, we socialize, watch some old movies, stuff like that," his brother adds.

"Boring, boring, boring!" Renge yells, suddenly entering the room and jumping onto a desk table. "Halloween!" she exclaims, posing dramatically. "The day that sounds the end of summer, and ushers in the icy breath of winter! Halloween, once a day when ghouls walked the Earth, and disguised as ghouls we would ward them all off! Halloween, a day for wearing costumes and playing pranks on trick-or-treaters with reckless abandon!" she said, and posed in different ways while wearing a strange school uniform, that definitely didn't belong to Ouran.

"Some people don't wait for Halloween to dress up," Hikaru said accusingly.

"Some people cosplay all year roundl" Kaoru added.

"I know that's right," Haruhi muttered.

"What's with the uniform, Renge?" I asked.

She began cackling. "Just between us, this is the female uniform in Uki Doki Memorial 2, which isn't scheduled for release until next spring. What do you think? I know important people on the inside, if you watch my drift," she said smoothly.

"Miss Houshakuji, we're having room now. Could you get down off the desk, please?" the class president asked politely.

"Tea parties and cosplay? The host club does that practically nonstop! What our Halloween requires is something special!" she said, becoming excited as an idea brewed inside of her head.

"Um, we're supposed to decide this as a class," Soga was trying to reason with her.

"So I propose holding a Halloween test of courage tournament! The bravest student wins!" she declared, and pointed triumphantly into the sky. Everyone awed at her suggestion, and began getting excited over the idea of having a haunted house sort of arrangement. I was not one of those people.

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