Chapter Eight: The Physical Exam

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  Physical exams began the next day. During the middle of class, a lady announced over the school's PA system that the exams would begin shortly, and for all students to proceed to the clinic in our respective school building.

"So what are physical exams like around here?" I asked and lazily held my hands behind head.

"It's no different from a physical exam you'd get at any other school," Hikaru said and smiled cockily at me.

"Yeah, why would a physical exam be any different for us just because we're rich?" Kaoru asked.

"You're right, I didn't think about it that way," Haruhi said. She opened the doors, and past the blinding white light that seemed to occur in every room at this school, stood two longs rows of doctors and nurses, leaving a red carpet walkway in between.

"Welcome students," they all greeted.

My eye twitched. "So is this a Japan thing, or a rich person thing?" I asked.

"It's just another physical exam," Hikaru said, and pulled me into the room.

"The usual," Kaoru said and grabbed onto my other arm.

"The usual?" I heard Haruhi question from behind us.

Two nurses approached the twins and I. The first one curtsied to us, while the other one gestured to one of the curtained rooms. "Excuse me, Hitachiin brothers, please follow me this way to have your height measured," The one with long hair said.

"Sure thing," they said together. Hikaru sent me a smile before walking off with his brother.
Before the first nurse left with the others, she addressed me. "Ms. Fujioka, I've been directed to inform you that you will not have to take place in this year's physical exams since your previous school's exams took place at the beginning of the school year," she said kindly.

"Oh, alright. Thank you," I said, and she left to go aid to the twins.

I wasn't quite sure what to do. Was I supposed to go back to my class, or wait around until everyone was finished? I decided to just stroll around the room until the physical exams ended, seeing as if I were to go back to class, I would be the only student there. Only a second later did I spot Mori and Honey. I realized that there were both wearing uniforms identical to the doctors.

As I was about to approach them, someone held my shoulder to keep me back.

"They're under cover," Kyoya said.

"Huh? Why are they undercover?"

"I brought them for back up in case something happens. Their disguises help make our operation feel like a real espionage mission," he said and pushed up his glasses.

"Oh, I see... kind of."

While Haruhi continued to ask him more questions, I felt someone's presence behind me so I turned to see who was approaching. Just as I turned around, the strange man shoved past me, causing me to stumble onto the ground.

"Miyoko," Kyoya said and appeared immediately at my side.

"Oh, Miss! I'm terribly sorry," the strange man said. He was going to reach down to me, but Kyoya side-stepped slightly into his path and reached his hand out to me instead. The two of them connected eyes for a split second.

"It's alright," I said and gave him a reassuring smile over Kyoya's shoulder. The man nodded and stumbled away. Is he drunk?

"Huh," Kyoya said.

"What is it?"

"Nothing. We should get back to the task at hand," he said. I nodded hesitantly and walked over to where Haruhi and the others were now standing. They were with a large group of girls who were all staring hard at the twins. They stood next to a changing room where a nurse was holding the curtain open for them.

"Hitachiin brothers, would you please come with me, we're ready to do your chest measurements. You can use the area behind this curtain to undress," she said kindly. Now I knew what all the girls were so worked up about.

"Doesn't matter to me," Hikaru said and began undressing right then and there.

"We're not shy, who needs a curtain?" Kaoru asked. They both peeled off their white collared shirts to reveal their - might I addvery nice – chests. The girls went ballistic at the image in front of them, some even fainting at the sight.

"It's a good thing there are doctors around," I mumbled.

"It is a rather impressive turn out today. Physical exam day is quite popular with the ladies," Kyoya said.

"I won't allow it. It's just not fair. I won't let those doctors touch you, Kaoru," Hikaru said.

"What are you talking about? You don't seem to have a problem touching me when we play doctor at home. I can't get you to stop tickling me and toying with my body," Kaoru said.

As what he said reached everyone's ears, the screams coming from the girls intensified. Even I felt the slightest of heat rising to my face, but hid it by face-palming and shaking my head in disapproval.

"Come on, Haru-chan! This way!" Honey yelled, and him and Mori dragged Haruhi behind one of the curtains. They pushed her inside, then pulled the curtain shut.

"Wait, what are you doing with her?" I asked and followed the two boys.

"Our plan!" Honey said happily and bounced around.

"I don't even know what the plan is," I said slouched my shoulders. I felt two arms wrap around me, one around my shoulders, and one around my waist.

"You'll see what it is soon," Kaoru said and gave me a closed eyed smile.

"Yeah, I think you're really gonna enjoy it," Hikaru said on my left. I looked down and realized that they were both still shirtless.

"The girls around here sure are into physical exam day, huh?" I asked.

"Yeah, aren't you?" they asked.

"I've seen guys shirtless before. They act like they've never even met a boy."

"What guys have you seen shirtless before?" Hikaru asked.


"Do your guy friends just strip in front of you?"

"You just stripped in front of me and a whole class of girls."

"It's different."

I rolled my eyes. "No, my guy friends don't just strip in front of me. We were at the beach."

"Oh," Hikaru said and turned his attention away from me.

"Mr. Fujioka? It's time for us to take your chest measurements. Once you finish disrobing, would you please come with me?" one of the nurses asked from outside of Haruhi's curtain.

A few girls began squealing that they were going to be shirtless, and I only grew more nervous.

"Mr. Fujioka? Are you ready to be measured now?" the nurse asked again when Haruhi still hadn't emerged from behind the curtain.

"Yes," a voice that I was pretty certain belonged to Tamaki said. He pulled back the curtain and said, "I'm Haruhi Fujioka." It was definitely Tamaki, but he seemed to be wearing a wig that was identical to Haruhi's hair. Despite the resemblance between their hairs, there was no denying that that was Tamaki, not Haruhi.

It was silent while everyone looked at him confused.

"Wait, that's Tamaki," one girl said. His face dropped when he heard how the girls were responding to him. None of them believed for a second that he was Haruhi.

While the girls were all confused and disappointed that it wasn't a shirtless Haruhi that emerged from the curtain, my face crept up into a huge grin. Tears brimmed my eyes as I was trying to keep in my fits of laughter, but once the twins started cackling there was no use trying. I burst out into laughter and clapped my hands together in amusement, which made me look like more of a seal than a girl.

"I can't believe he actually did it!" Hikaru managed to say through his laughter.

"They recognized him, I told you they'd see through it!" Kaoru said.

Tamaki ripped the wig off of his head and threw it on the ground, then grabbed Hikaru around the neck. "You jerks!" he spat in Hikaru's face. "You said there was no way the girls would be able to tell it was me!"

"It's payback for calling us the homosexual supporting cast!" Hikaru said and held up his hands in defense.

Tamaki let go and slithered back in defeat to where Haruhi was still hiding behind the curtain.

"You guys are horrible, I can't believe you guys did that to him," I said and wiped away my remaining tears.

"Don't even lie, you were laughing just as hard as we were," Hikaru said and slung his arm around me.

"I was."

"You're pretty cute when you laugh."


"Even though you look like a dying seal."


"What!? You do!?"

I hit his still shirtless chest, then grabbed his hand and pulled him to Haruhi. "Come on, we should go solve this problem for real."

"I think Kyoya-senpai actually has this handled," he said.

"Huh?" I asked. When we got to Haruhi, Kyoya was already speaking to Haruhi, and telling her about the actual plan.

"Haruhi, ready? I went ahead and set up a separate room for you. A special boy's clinic. And I have a doctor standing by sworn to secrecy," he said.

"It turns out the doctors here today are all on staff at one of Kyoya-senpai's family's hospitals," Hikaru said.

"Would've been nice if he had said something to us earlier," Kaoru said.

"I had to get my revenge too. I'm sorry, I just don't think I'm supporting cast, homosexual or otherwise," Kyoya said.

Haruhi was sent to the boy's clinic alone, while the rest of us stayed behind. I was barely paying attention to their conversation, and watched Haruhi's figure walk out of sight. I continued to stare in her direction, even though I couldn't see her anymore.

I could faintly head one girl sobbing. "I'm telling the truth," she said. "One of the doctors grabbed me by my shoulder. He was trying to make a pass at me! I've never been so terrified."

A stiff looking man peeled himself off of the wall and discreetly began walking in the direction I was looking at.

"I had a feeling this might happen," Kyoya said, but I found it hard to hear him since I was subconsciously taking small steps to where the man was going.

"What do you mean?" Honey asked.

"A bit earlier today, I saw a strange man. He had been stumbling around and pushed Miyoko to the ground."

"WHAT!?" The others yelled. That was the last thing I could hear, until before I knew it I was dashing down the hall to where Haruhi's private room was, and where the same man who had pushed me earlier and allegedly touched one of the other female students was running off to.

He slipped in through the special boy's clinic boys, and I did the same, just a few meters behind him.

When I snuck into the room and saw that neither him nor Haruhi were in there, I noticed a corner of the room where a curtain was pulled closed. Haruhi must've been changing in there. A nurse sat completely oblivious facing the opposite direction, so I snuck in through the curtain.

When I was inside, I saw that the man had a hold of Haruhi, with one hand gripping her arm and the other covering her mouth.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I asked. Both Haruhi and the man were startled by me, and I took it as my chance to attack the man. He kept his grip on Haruhi, but that didn't stop me from punching him in the back repeatedly.

"Let go of her you perv!" I shouted.

"No, please! It's not what you think," he begged, and took his hand off of Haruhi's arm and roughly grabbed mine.

I heard the door fly open, and then a voice yelling, "Haruhi! Miyoko!"

Tamaki jumped through the curtains. "Tama-chan, kick!" he yelled and kicked the man right in the face. The faux doctor flew into the wall and looked like he was seeing stars. I jumped from where I was standing and placed myself right next to Haruhi. I grabbed her hand and held it in mine.

I felt a hand squeeze my shoulder comfortingly. "One; looks that attract the public eye," the twins said in unison. I had no doubt that it was Hikaru who had his hand on my shoulder.

"Two; more wealth than you can imagine," Kyoya said and stepped out from the shadows.

"Three; chivalry that will never be able to overlook..." Mori said.

"..The hideous wickedness of this world," Honey said. It was the most serious that I'd ever seen him.

Tamaki dropped his shirt and it landed over both mine and Haruhi's heads. "That's what makes up the Ouran host club!" he said and posed with his hands on his hips.

"We're here. Watch out!" they all said together menacingly. They're the most straight-laced gang of thugs I've ever seen.

"Please don't hurt me!" the man begged and knelt before us. "Spare me my life!" He began telling us his life story, about how he really was a doctor, just not from here. He told us that his wife left him last month and took his daughter with her, then said that his daughter attended our school. Haruhi asked him about why they left him, and he answered saying that there had been money issues in his family. By the way he explained it, it sounded more like he was just a bum. The situation with the female student was just a misunderstanding. He was asking hereabout his daughter, and she just freaked out and cried wolf.

"That's so tragic!" Tamaki said and began crying along with the man.

"Dr. Yabu, I think you may have the wrong place. Are you looking for Ouran public high school?" Kyoya asked.

"Yeah, that's right," he answered.

"I figured that might be the case. This is Ouran academy, a private institution. Your daughter doesn't go to school here." The man's face turned completely white.

"Man, that's pretty sad. You don't even know what school your daughter goes to?" Hikaru asked.

"I bet your relationship is mess up because you don't pay attention to her, not because of some stupid debt," Kaoru said.

"Wow, Kyo-chan! I'm impressed that you figured out he had the wrong school!" Honey said.

"Well there's no way the daughter of such a small time doctor would ever be able to get into Ouran academy," Kyoya said cockily. Although his snooty side was showing, I knew that he was right.

"Kyoya, would you please find a map of all the public schools in this area. I'd like to help this many find his daughter," Tamaki said gently, but sure of what he was requesting.

"Whatever you say," Kyoya said.

After printing a map and handing it to Dc Yabu, he left on his quest to find his daughter. We watched him through the window of the clinic room as he walked down the smooth paths of Ouran academy.

"Are you sure about this?" Hikaru asked.

"After all, even if he does manage to find his daughter, there's no guarantee she'll want to speak to him," Kaoru said.

"Well then, that's something he'll have to find out for himself," Tamaki said. I looked at all of their peaceful faces, and not for the first time thought about what great people they were underneath all of the glitz and glam of the rich world. It was actually kind of amazing how much they cared about Haruhi to want to keep her in the club so badly. I wondered if they cared that much about me that much too.  

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