Chapter Fifteen: I Care

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 Somehow the host club had gotten Honey, Haruhi, and I to agree to infiltrate the elementary school, which included disguises. While Honey wore the same uniform as Shiro, Haruhi and I were forced to change into the brown middle school girl's uniform. Although I didn't quite understand why.

"Why did we even both with disguises, we stick out like a sore thumb," Haruhi complained, and while she tugged at the hem of the rather short uniform skirt, Honey and I were behaving like the little kids we were dressed like.

"This is so fun, it's like we're on a spy mission," I said, and Honey and I twirled in a circle together.

"Come on, let's just do this," Haruhi grumbled and pulled us both down the hallway. After passing a few doors, Honey stopped and pulled us into an empty classroom.

"This is it, Shiro-chan's classroom!" he said. "When I was in elementary school this was my classroom too!" he said happily, and ran through the rows of desks.

"Wow, this is nothing like my elementary school. It's so nice here!" I giggled, and danced through the aisles, while Haruhi calmly walked towards one of the desks.

"There's nobody here," she said, and touched the dark-wood desk.

"So the kid's classroom is empty, is it?" I heard Tamaki say out in the hallway.

"This sure takes me back," the twins said, and entered the mauve classroom with the rest of the club behind them.

"I wonder if doodles are still on my desk," Kaoru said.

"Doubtful. The school changes out the desks every year," Kyoya informed him.

"Let's check out the cafeteria after this," Hikaru said happily.

"I want to see the old gym!" Kaoru pleaded.

"Good idea, Kaoru." Tamaki chuckled.

I could see by her face that Haruhi was extremely annoyed with the five of them. "Hey, if you're just gonna barge in here like that then why did we wear these stupid disguises?" she whispered harshly to them.

"Don't worry about it," Hikaru said.

"No one's here to catch us," his twin said just as casually as he did. Just as he said that the sound of heavy footsteps could be heard approaching the classroom. We all immediately ducked under and behind the desks.

"If the teacher finds us..." Kaoru whispered.

"We'll have a hard time explaining why we snuck in," Hikaru finished his brother's sentence. I grew irritated and glared at him from a few desks back, where Haruhi and I were squished together. I was still upset with him about what he said to me.

"Shh, shut up guys!" Haruhi barked at them, while still trying to remain quiet.

"Just zip your lips and throw away the key," I said, and motioned zipping my lips together, then tossing an imaginary key over my shoulder. The boys repeated my actions with red faces, and I just rolled my eyes and tucked myself under the desk.

"You still mad at Hikaru?" Haruhi asked and crawled close to me.

"I have a reason, don't I? What he said was pretty harsh," I grumbled. Once we heard the footsteps pass the classroom, Haruhi went to go check that whoever it was had left.

"It's alright, he's gone," she said about the wandering person, and I crawled out from under the desk. "But you guys, we came here to get the scoop on Shiro, so what do you think we should do now?" she asked. I sighed, and straightened out my ruffled uniform.

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