Chapter Twenty-Four: The Refreshing Battle

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All eight of us were now inside of the pension, lounging around the dining hall. We'd brought the host club inside after they greeted us, which I acted as if I was annoyed with them being there, but secretly, I was happy to see them.

"Oh, my!" Misuzu squealed, squirming around as she admired the boys. "What dashing young men you are! These hunks must belong to Haruhi and Miyoko!" The boys looked at him in shock and embarrassment, light blushes grazing their cheeks.

"Why don't you call me Misuzu-chi?" Misuzu suggested.

"He's an old friend of Ranka's, they used to work together at the same shop years ago," Kyoya informed the others. After knowing him this long, his knowledge of things that he shouldn't know about didn't surprise me. I was merely impressed with his facts.

"Well, naturally you would know," Tamaki hissed, clearly upset with how Kyoya seemed to know everything about everyone.

"Kill me," Haruhi muttered beside me, and I nudged her with my shoulder to be quiet.

"I went into business for myself two years ago and believe you me, running this adorable little pension is like living a fairy tale!" Misuzu said happily, and spun around in a circle.

"So then are Haru-chan and Miyo-chan like your indentured servants?" Honey asked, looking up at Misuzu with curious eyes.

"They're more like unpaid employees. This also happens to be Ranka's preferred method for keeping track of his daughter and niece while he's busy working," Kyoya corrected Honey.

"What the... how do you know all of this stuff?" Tamaki asked, eyes twitching in annoyance.

"Kill me," Haruhi repeated herself.

"'Take my little girls under your wing,' he says! He practically begged me, and since I still can't afford the expensive hired help, it works out for everyone! They're both model employees, really. It's a shame I can't pay them anything," Misuzu said and shook both Haruhi and I by our shoulders. "Oh! Tell me what you boys think of these cute little aprons they're wearing! I made them myself!" he said, and gestured to the two aprons that Haruhi and I were wearing.

"You are quite an exquisite seamstress!" Tamaki said, and he and the other hosts gave a thumbs up in approval.

"Why thank you! Now, Miyoko why don't you take the boys to the tables outside, and Haruhi, you can make some tea for everyone!" Misuzu said.

"What do you need us to do after?" I asked, expecting another job from her.

"Oh, nonsense! You have some fine young gentlemen to entertain! You can both be on break." he said.

"Are you sure?" Haruhi asked.

"Of course!" he assured us, and swatted us away with his hands. "Now get a move on!"

"Oh, okay then," I said, then turned to the hosts. "Follow me, guys," I said, then led them outside to two circular tables, similar to the ones in the dining hall. Everyone gathered around a single table, except for Kyoya, who occupied the second table alone, with his back facing us.

"Make yourself comfortable." I smiled, and untied my apron, then smoothed out the fabric of my dress.

Haruhi came out with the tea a moment later. I let her sit down and relax as I placed the teacups in front of everyone.

"A job, huh?" Kaoru asked, as I poured the hot tea into his cup.

"I don't get it," Hikaru said once I moved onto him. "You turned down our invitation to Bali for this?" he asked.

"And we even asked them to go with us to Switzerland. Didn't we?" Honey spoke up.

"We did," Mori said.

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