Chapter Thirty-Four: A Bird and a Rose

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 Hikaru was crossing the line between jealous and jerk. I knew he wasn't too keen on me being Kasanoda's 'lovely item', but the way he was expressing his annoyance was uncalled for. I expected the snide remarks, the angry glares, and the jealous grunts he made whenever Kasanoda and I were together. But what I didn't think he was petty enough to pull off were the pranks.

It was only lunchtime, yet Kasanoda had already gotten drenched in water, slipped on a banana peel, had his desk chair pulled out from under him, and so many other childish jokes played on him. It was just like what happened with Arai. Of course we both knew who the cause of all these dumb pranks was; the red-haired devil that was caught at the scene of every crime with a mischievous smirk plastered on his face. I'd tried to confront him multiple times, but whenever I stormed after him he disappeared from my sight.

I'd brought Kasanoda to the courtyard for lunch, positive that we would be safe from Hikaru who I had just seen making his way to the cafeteria with his brother.

"We should be undisturbed out here," I said as Kasanoda and I sat down together at a stone bench beside the large fountain.

"Uh, thanks," he said awkwardly. I smiled, and pulled my lunch out from my bag. I noticed that he didn't have a bag or anything with him, and wondered if he even had a lunch to eat.

"Do you have a lunch?" I asked.

"Well I brought something, but I think your big bad boyfriend stole it," he said, clearly annoyed by another one of Hikaru's tricks.

I sighed and shook my head. "Dammit Hikaru," I mumbled. "I'm sorry about this. You shouldn't go through this kind of abuse just because Hikaru gets a little jealous."

"Yeah, what is it with that guy?" Kasanoda asked, leaning back a little on his hands.

"I don't know." I shook my head. "Whatever, I'll talk to him about it later, unless he decides to keep being a coward and avoid me," I said, and took the lid off of my bento box.

"Here, we can share my lunch," I said and handed him the box. He didn't move to grab it, or even acknowledge that I was holding it out for him. I rolled my eyes at his stubbornness, familiar with this sort of attitude, and put the box in his lap. He looked startled and glared at me.

"What are you doing, I don't want your food," he said.

"Then I don't want it either," I said and crossed my arms.

"You've got to eat something."

"So do you."

"I'm not hungry."

"Neither am I!"

Kasanoda grunted in defeat and picked up a rice ball. He popped it into his mouth, chewed it a few times, then asked, "Are you happy?"

I smiled, and took the box back from him. "You're welcome."

"For what."

"For the food."

He blushed lightly and crossed his arms, looking away from me. "I only took your stupid food so you wouldn't starve."

I giggled. "I wouldn't have starved, but it was nice for you to consider me," I said, then sighed and looked up at the sky. "You know, you should embrace your niceness more. Then maybe people would be less afraid to approach you."

"I try," he said, sounding annoyed by what I had said. "It doesn't matter how nice I am unless people actually take the time to talk to me, and that'll never happen because of how I look."

"So you're not just making that face on purpose?" I asked, and poked his cheek. He swatted my hand away and growled lowly.

"Why the hell would I look like this on purpose? You think I want people to be afraid of me?!" he yelled, making me shrink back a little.

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