Chapter Thirty-Five: The Ouran Fair

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 The sun was shining exceptionally bright on this day. The clouds looked like cotton balls, and sunrays warmed my skin. It would have been a peaceful day, if it weren't for the obnoxious orchestra of noise that began the second that school started. Construction for the Ouran Fair took place outside and inside the school, making the grounds livelier, and louder, than usual. Workers and students mixed, discussing plans and deciding the smallest of details. It was wondrous to watch such a big project being constructed, and yet slightly overwhelming. I hadn't imagined that this much trouble would go to holding a school fair, but I should have expected that a school like Ouran would go all out.

"Aren't school fairs meant to be, I don't know, more about students proudly showcasing unique things they made by hand?" Haruhi asked Kyoya, who was standing with us by the fountain while we all watched the work taking place. I sat on the edge of the fountain while idly dragging my fingertips along the clear water, half-listening to what my cousin was saying.

"Perhaps for a mere average school, yes," Kyoya said. "But at Ouran the emphasis is on planning and leadership skills. Keep in mind, most of our students are being groomed in positions of leadership, so they're required to showcase a talent for upward mobility, not arts and crafts."

"That makes sense. This sure is a lot different from the fairs my old school used to have," I hummed and turned my head in every direction to catch glimpses of all the activities that were currently taking place.

The sound of horse-shoes clomping against stone and cart wheels pulled up next to the three of us, and I looked over to see Hikaru manning a carriage with two horses pulling it along. He came to a stop next to us, causing the horses to become fidgety.

"Woah," he said to the large animals in attempt to calm them down. Both horses calmed, and stood quietly while Hikaru smiled in triumph.

"Nicely done," Mori said, who was sitting next to him in the cart. "You handled the reins like a pro."

"Haru-chan! Miyo-chan!" Honey called to us. He and Tamaki were both sitting in the carriage, and jumped to their feet when they spotted the missing members of their club.

 "Climb on board!" Tamaki said, squirming in excitement along with Honey. "We're rehearsing for the big Ouran parade!"

"Huh?" Haruhi asked, and turned pale. I giggled and grabbed her hand, then pulled her along with me as I ran towards the carriage.

"Come on, Haruhi! It looks like fun," I said. When we ran up to the carriage, Tamaki outstretched his hand towards me and helped me into the carriage. He then helped Haruhi, and a reluctant Kyoya before Hikaru commanded the horses to begin walking. I squeezed in between Kaoru and Honey, while Haruhi sat in between Kyoya and Tamaki. She didn't look like she was enjoying it too much, but I was loving every second of it.

As Hikaru took us around the school grounds, I got to see all of the students hard at work. You could say what you wanted about Ouran students, but there was no question about their work ethic. I could even spot Kasanoda among the students, working hard. Although he seemed to have trouble keeping on task, as there was a small group of girls that were constantly swarming him. It seemed that out plan to make Kasanoda did have a positive effect on him. With me being around him so often, some of the girls took notice and figured if I was willing to give up time around Hikaru to be with Kasanoda, he had to be a pretty special guy. I rarely saw him anymore without a girl or two following him around. He caught my staring at him so I gave him a friendly smile and wave, and he returned the gesture until the girls caught his attention again.

When we passed Kasanoda I turned around in my seat and said to Hikaru, "I didn't know you were such a good driver."

"There's nothing to it. I could teach you sometime," he said.

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