Chapter 1-the beggining

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Sans was living his life like normal. In the labs with his bother papyrus that was about five years old, and his "dad" Gaster was out working.

There "house" wasn't that big there was a living room right where the front door was. From there to the left was me and paps room and across there was the kitchen. Gaster slept next to there room even tho he never slept in the first place. He always was working on something or off at work.

But somehow he still had time to play with us and buy takeout, Sense he couldn't cook. After work Gaster was going to take them to snowden to see the snowy landscape, and because they wouldn't stop bugging about going there. When he got home they got dressed, sans in his a little bit big blue hoodie that he loved to pieces and pap in a orange striped shirt and blue pants.

He heard a lot about Snowden on how it was a nice quiet town right beside the ruins, deep in the forest. He always wanted to see what was inside. They took the river where a monster that was pretty mysterious, he believed there name was the river person. They wore a dark cloak and helped travelers get from anywhere they needed to go.

They arrived at Snowden; it was a small town the snow fresh underfoot. He never seen snow before now, it never really could snow; it was always to hot in hotland in the lab where they lived. The chilly atmosphere was soothing with the light crunch of snow. They talked along the way Papyrus loud voice echoing around the snowy landscape.

Sans however didn't join in there conversation he was more interested in his surroundings. It wasn't long noticing that the river was just outside the town. There was a little area with a house at one side and a building that was making ice and putting it in the river. He didn't know what it was used for but he guessed it was something to do with the core and cooling it down. He herd Gaster talking about that every now and again. Waking down the little path came the town with two long path ways lined with buildings on ether side surrounded by Snowdens forest.

The towns streets were dotted with monsters of all shapes and sizes. Gaster himself hasn't even seen Snowden and has been itching to see snow himself. It was like a family vacation almost where they could see other monsters of about the same age. Gaster has also been trying to get them into school, he been home schooling them but sans wanted to at least pap to meet new monsters and make new friends.

Sans had really never meet any other monsters other than the Assistants in the lab and even then he felt lonely like something was missing from his life. Gaster allowed them to rome around the place while he went to get a room in the inn just in case they miss the boat home. They explored the town a little. On one side of town was a place called Grilbys. The placed looked very busy with monsters everywhere. Every once in awhile they could see a small red fire monster running between the monsters talking to them and writing stuff on paper.

Sometimes they would see a bigger fire monster to but not much. Moving past that was was the librarby. Some older monsters where in there that they could only assume we're monsters that worked there. Then there was the inn and the shop that were one store, it was a big place about two stories high. There was a tiny house near Grilbys it had two windows on the front and a door.

A tiny igloo with a sign that said "don't want to walk to the other side of town? Try the undersnow tunnels they're efficiently laid out!" He looked down the path leading father into the forest, something was itching for him to explore but who knows what was in there. Then again only monsters lived in the underground...

"sans, you ok?" Paps voice snapped sans out of his thoughts pap walking up to him from the inn. He shook his head turning back towards the town

"I'm ok let's see how gaster doing." Taking paps hand they started back to the inn but he couldn't help but look back at the forest, the itch grew stronger the father he walked away from the forest but he tried to ignore it turning back around.

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