Chapter 12- Dr. Wolf

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The days after that sans has been hasn't been getting any better and was afraid that he was getting worse, he hasn't ate anything for the last few days and if he did it would...she shivered, come back up. Gaster was also pretty worried trying to heal him the best he could but it just didn't work.

Gaster finally decided to call a professional Doctor to see to sans that was just laying on the couch probably out cold sense he just got a dose of medicine that seemed like the only time he would fall asleep, he would even mumble stuff in his dreams about... a mom? But she couldn't understand half of it.

The doctor was supposed to come later today his name was Dr. Wolf? He couldn't remember exactly but he was one of gasters friends and seemed to be pretty good at his job.

"He should be here in about an hour." Gaster said walking over to Toriel that was sitting with sans a hand on his shoulder. Toriel nodded not tearing her gaze from the somewhat peaceful looking sans in front of her.

Gaster sighed placing a hand on her head, ruffling her fur. "Don't worry he'll be fine..." He said with worry still in his voice but tried to sound reassuring.

"I hope..." She mumbled rubbing his heated skull.


an hour later...

A nock sounded at the front door to there rooms gaster jumping up and answering it. "Ah Dr. Wolf nice to see you again!"

"Ol Gaster! Nice to see you again pall! You say you have a kid with a bad case of the flu?" Said a deep, ruffled voice coming from the door way which Toriel couldn't see.

"Oh yes he's been sick for awhile and I fear where doing something wrong..." He said motioning him in. There stood about as tall as gaster wolf monster with pure white fur and light gray tips. (ears, paws, tale etc.) he had light blue eyes and wore a lab coat over his blackish purple suit. He also had a purple tie and dark purple shorts. On his muzzle lay a pear of small round like glasses perched on his nose. A medical bag in one hand.

He walked over to the two, knelling beside her and sans setting his medical bag carefully down. "And who might you be?" He said tilting his head looking at Toriel

"T-..Toriel...." She said shyly looking between him and sans. He warmly smiled once he realized why she looked so nervous.

"Ah do not be afraid I won't hurt him, I'm just here to do a few test." His voice rumbled digging in his bag withdrawing a clip board, pen and thermometer. "Now let's check this fever shall we?" He said gently opening sans mouth and sliding the thermometer in.

A minute later it beeped, taking it from his mouth he read it scribbling it on his clip board. Peeking over Toriel read it 'his temperature had gone up...' She thought worriedly, at this rate he'll become a oven.

He dug in his bag again putting the thermometer up and pulling out a tongue depressor or a stick as what Toriel saw it that helped him keep his mouth open as he looked inside, a flashlight looking thing in his hand. He had a worried expression. Keeping it open he pulled out a... Honey gar? And a syringe. (no not a needle)

He filled the syringe with the sticky substance sliding it down his throat. "W-..what's that..?" Toriel asked grabbing her courage back.

He seemed to blink a few times looking at her before answering her with a warm smile "oh this is honey it helps with sore throats" he said opening his bag more that she could look inside more.

Putting the honey to the side he pulled out a stethoscope letting Toriel look at it "this is a stethoscope it helps read souls heart beat to see if it's uneven, slow or fast." He said putting two points in his ears and the bigger one on sans chest where his soul would be.

After a few silent minutes he wrote down something that even Toriel couldn't make sense of. "His heart beat seams normal, maybe a bit slow but that is to be expected." He said out loud noticing Toriels curious expression over his shoulder.

He did a few other test to reflexes that seemed normal, a...blood test, checked his eyes and ears, blood presser, even tho...she thought skeletons couldn't have blood) and more before he started to pack up everything neatly but pulled out a bottle of pills and surprisingly handed it to Toriel.

"This is for sans flu, he takes one a day but not today sense I'm guessing he's already had his dose of medicine." He said getting up and heading towards where gaster and papyrus waited "he should be fine in a few days with the medicine I gave you but if he doesn't get better then call me and I'll have another look. Also honey helps with sore throats." He said that last part a little cheeky giving gaster his phone number before saying good bye to all of them.

"I hope this does work..." Toriel mumbled looking over the medicine glancing between sans and it. "Please let this work I hate seeing my blueberry
Miserable Because of me..." She whispered under her breath they all taking nervous glances to each other.

"IT WILL! I KNOW IT WILL!! MY BROTHER IS STRONG!!" Papyrus said with a determined look walking over to the still out cold skeleton "HE HAS TO GET BETTER... RIGHT?" he said looking up at Toriel

"Yea...yea he has to be..." She said kissing the top of his skull "please get better...." She mumbled sadly as she watched him sleep

Hey guys I'm sooooooo tired but I got it out *passes out* ZZzzzzzzz....
Ink-*rolls eyes* she's got to stop doing this... *picks up* well I got to get this one for bed but thank you my fellow howlers for reading and dr.wolf is not mine it's a youtubers but still


Word count: 982

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