Chapter 14- toriel...?

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Another on, another nightmare, the pain he suffering, death, destruction... toriel...

Sans shot up his eye flaring blue, his breath shallow as he looked around. He was in his room in the middle of the night. Toriel must of put him to bed after tomorrow of him falling asleep almost everywhere and saying he was fine.

he groaned rubbing his eyes, these nightmares weren't getting better, they were getting worse and worse, at this rate he was going to get barely an hour of sleep every night...

He slowly sat up his head slightly dizzy as he made his away outside the room slowly, seeing that everyone was asleep already trying not to wake them.

Sans made his way quietly downstairs and into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of ketchup from the fridge, drinking it slowly in deep thought in why all of a sudden he was getting all these nightmares and why of stuff so... weird? He's never been to that hall but it's like he knew it like the back of his hand...

he sighed shaking his head, it was to much to think about while he was so tired... his vision slowly going in and out as he yawned throwing the ketchup away as he laid down on the couch his skull starting to hurt.

he groaned putting his hand over his head, he staring up at the ceiling with dull eyes not realizing he had drifted off on the couch like that's his head clear of nightmares for now.


he woke up to something nuzzling the top of his skull, the letting out a small grumble.

"It's ok blueberry go back to sleep." a voice whispered to him, sans getting moved to the voices lap. Sans could tell whose sweet voice that was by a long shot.

"Tori...?" he mumbled with a yawn, opening his eyes to see toriel looking down at him with a sweet smile but worried eyes.

"Go back to sleep, sleepy bones... you need it." she whispered to him kissing the top of his skull as she covered the two in a blanket, a pillow underneath them as tauriel slowly laid down with sans in her arms, hugging him tightly.

Sans looked up at the clock to see it was only a few minutes after 1:00am making him wonder why toriel was waking up so early... he should ask, it was slightly worrying him.

"Tori... why are you waking up so early...? this is like the 3rd time..." he asked worriedly looking over at toriel that he could tell was pretending to sleep but he didn't push her as he sigh, snuggling up next to her and falling asleep quite easily.

(toriel pov)

toriel opened her eyes after sans had fallen asleep, a frown on her face. She couldn't tell sans why she was getting up so early, or go into detail at least. She couldn't tell him about her own nightmares that we're starting to pop up, the memory of her parents deaths plaguing her mind, and sans... he dieing instead of saving her, she dieing too... she laid there trying to fall asleep, not realizing a few hours had passed by, she listening to sanses soft snores.

toriel sighed carefully sitting back up and placed sans next to her, she getting up and walking into the kitchen. She didn't know really what to do so she went ahead and made breakfast for the group, for when they wake up in the morning.

Once she was done, she looked at the clock, 6:58am. She sighed with a yawn covering the food up too warm it up for later, getting some coffee ready for gaster and sans... even a little for herself maybe, just to keep her alert for anything wrong.

She yawned as she grabbed her own coffee, she slowly sipping at it since it was still quite hot hoping sans WAS ok and she meant really ok. Some of the time she could she the fake smile on his face, his mask that he's starting to wear more and more... it was worrying...

She suddenly heard rustling, she peeking into the living room to see sans slowly waking up, he turning to his back and staring up at the ceiling with a far away look, like something happened in a dream but... almost like it wasn't a nightmare but it was at the same time...

"Sans... are you ok...?" toriel whispered walking over to sans worriedly, sans snapping out of his thoughts but flinched for a second when he saw toriel, like he seen something else.

"O-Oh hey tori." he said with his plastered smile making toriel even more worried.

"Sans what happened...?" she asked sitting next to sans and pulled him onto her lap the skeleton hiding his skull in her dress, not saying anything.

"Sans... please... you're worrying me with that mask of yours." she mumbled making sans look up at her, sans having small tears in the corner of his eyes is smile twitching slightly as he looked up at toriel.

He just shook his head sadly looking away from her the best he could.

toriel sighed pulling sans close to her, she rubbing his back lovingly as he silently cried, he having a far away look clearly thinking about something else, he zoned out from the world around him as he started to hiccup, sniffling softly as he started to shake more clearly trying to keep it built up inside of him then letting it out.

(sans pov)

Sans tried to keep his nightmare to himself not wanting to worry toriel even more... that kid... why was they always in his dreams...? It was like a warning for the future.... Huh.... he noticed his head starting to spin as he sank into toriel his eyes starting to flutter closed as he fell asleep again.


Sans eyes opened to see he was laying down on the couch, a blanket tucked around him and a pillow under his head. He sighed sinking into the couch ready to just fall asleep again.

toriel came from upstairs followed closely by papyrus that had a smile on his face they both noticing sans was awake and walked over to him.

"Hello sleepy bones, did you sleep ok?" toriel asked slightly worried looking at the small figure.

"Yea i'm better" he yawned sitting up and stretching before looking at the to the blanket still wrapped around him, mostly to keep him warm. "Yall seem happy, what's it about?" he asked tilting his head lightly, making toriel giggle lightly at his silliness

"Well, gasters allowing us to go to snowden again but he can't come with us" toriel said sadly that immediately brightened back up "so we were wondering if you would like to come with us?" she said excitedly looking down at him.

"Sure" he shrugged getting up and walking over to where his jacket was realizing he didn't have it on. He threw it over his turtleneck with a smile seeing papyrus and toriel get there snow stuff to put on when they get to hurman.

They exited the lab and headed to snowden, toriel wearing a purple jacket with pink fluffy inside and her mom's scarf that she always weared now. She also had some purple snow boots and pink pants. While papyrus weared a orange jacket with two yellow stripes running down it one stripe running down his sleeves. he also wearing some slightly to big red boots and his red scarf that still ran over halfway down his body, it almost touching the snowy ground as he ran in the snow.

Sans of course just wore his regular clothes with his blue jacket a shiver running down his spine, he tried to ignore it as he walked beside toriel that was nuzzling her mom's scarf with a sad look sans frowning slightly at toriel remembering her mom's and dad's death

They walked into snowden toriel brightening back up while sans still looked at her worriedly as they walked papyrus jumping and playing in the snow remembering that he and pap should be going to school to or at least pap so he can learn most of the stuff that even gaster couldn't homeschool him to learn.

Suddenly there was a deep voice behind them making toriel freeze




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