Chapter 9- nightmare

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Listen to the song a little later or gust replay it, it adds the mood, I'll tell y'all when

He woke up in a pitch black room on the floor. He sat up and looked around confused

"tori!" He called standing up "papyrus! Gaster!" He called looking around starting to walk a random direction "GUYS!!...THIS ISENT FUNNY!" He started to walk faster his soul pounding. He saw something purple and white in the distance.

"TORI!!" He said running towards the figure. The figure turned around and smiled at him "sans?!" Her voice echoed in the darkness coming from every direction.


*slice* 999999999999999999999

He froze seeing the cut straght though her dress and scar on her muzzle and he realized she was a lot taller and a small human standing knife in hand "hah...hah..." Is all he heard before she turned to dust.

The kid turned around his read eyes glittering "hello sans" it said before launching forward cutting the knife right threw him blood- no- liquid determination bleeding through his wound.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed sitting up in his bed his eye flaring blue, a hand clutching the spot where his soul would be, that was glowing blue.

"SANS!!" Toriel screamed in his ear (hole idk still XD) shaking him hard tears in her own eyes "WAKE UP!!" Papyrus and gaster where also in there trying to make sure he didn't fling anything across the room, sadly they couldn't save the poor bed side lamp that was slammed against the wall. 

His eye slowly faded back to normal, his white pinpricks looking over toriel. Tears streamed down his eyes as he launched at Toriel hugging her tightly, sobbing into her shoulder.

(Play now XP)

Toriel gently hugged back gently singing a beautiful, sad song that just made Toriel tear up more but calmed them both down a little.

"Y-you d-d-died." He mumbled shaking hard. She hushed him and kept singing.

(Time skip-ish?)
(❤️Yes     No)

They stayed like that for and hour in silence, it was soothing the slight hum that only sans could hear, it started to lure him to sleep but he was terrified if he did he would have another nightmare. He gently let go of Toriel that also let go and stared into her eyes. She put a hand on his shoulder

"Sans...w-what happened." Papyrus said a little to light for sans liking. He looked at the two before looking down shaking his head. He couldn't speak, his throat felt tight and anytime he would try it would just sound like a whimper.

Toriel gently started to fall asleep in that position sans gently laying her down on the bed and looking at the other to with a look that said 'can this wait till morin.' Gaster and pap looked at each other then back at sans and nodded.

"But I do have a question, what are we gonna do with her now." Gaster said pointing at Toriel that was not sleeping.

He looked at Toriel "he doesn't have anywhere she can go that I know of...maybe...she can stay with us?" He slyly said slightly blushing.

"...i'll think about it." Gaster said starting to leave "get some sleep sans." He said before closing the door.

Papyrus didn't leave tho, he walked over to the bed to and slept beside sans other side.

Sans sighed and laid down in between them struggling to keep his eyes open, snuggling into Toriel a little. Papyrus, in his sleep hugged sans from behind with Toriel like they where trying to comfort him.

The night moved on sans struggling to keep his eyes opened. He tried to shake papyrus and Toriel off him but they wouldn't let go. He sighed something in the back of his mind knew that if he fell asleep another nightmare would be there to greet him.
(A few hours later...)
Toriel started to stir beside the very sleepy skeleton. He had made the night, the day..would be a lot harder.

"Mmmnnn morning sleepy bones." Toriel said tiredly. Sans just groaned cuddling deeper into Toriels soft fur. She sighed "this again? Alright lazy bones." She said picking up sans and started to leave the room.

Sans eye flashed blue as he picked up the blanket and covered papyrus in them snug as a bug.

She left the room and placed sans on there couch and disappeared into another room that she thought as the kitchen and started making some briefest for them all with the ingredients they had, luckily they had a box of pancake mix just laying there, it was half empty but it would do.

Meanwhile sans was laying on the arm of the couch his arms crossed making his face slightly hidden, and his hood slightly up.

Sans eyes finally fell, he instantly got sucked into a dream wasn't pleasant, twitching in is sleep and his eye lightly flickering blue. 

Toriel peeked her head from the kitchen to see the sleepy distressed looking skeleton in his sleep. She gently walked over to him and saw his flickering eye that immediately told her that sans was having another nightmare.

sans groaned in his sleep as Toriel started to shake sans. "Sans? Sans!" She whispered shaking him more.

Sans eyes flew open as he sat up, sweet on his skull and his eye flashing blue lightly. He regained his breath looking at Toriel tears forming in his eyes. Toriel sat beside him, hugging him tight.

He sighed hugging toriel back, tears streaming down his face. 'This...was gonna be a loonnggg day...' He thought already starting to fall asleep in Toriels arms.
Haha! YES! Another chapter well..I really have nothing to say but enjoy and...muhahahha! >:3 

Word count: 950

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