Chapter 20- Sleepover

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Sans woke up to someone shaking him he grumbling grabbing something that felt like a blanket pulling it over his skull "leave me allooonnneee" he grumbled with a soft whimper before hearing tories voice

"Wake up sleepy bones everyone's about to come." She said with a soft smile giggling he sighing with a groan "it's called a sleep-over" right? Can't I just... sleep through... it" He yawned losing his eyes again before getting picked up he grunting opening his eyes as he saw toriel bringing him upstairs "try to wake up a little!! We're gonna play games and everything!! They are coming at 8:30 and it's 8 so you have 30 minutes to get ready." She said with a soft smile sitting him on his bed he yawning "alright alright just give me a bit." He mumbled toriel smiling planting a kiss on his skull "good." She said before walking out closing the door behind her she realizing what she just did inwardly screaming while getting her own stuff ready

Sans blushed hard shocked that waking him up he letting out a soft chuckle before heading to get his own stuff ready

------------------(time skip)-------------------

Sans heard a knock at his door he in is blue bone PJ's with his jacket still over it a sleeping bag under his arm with bones and hotdogs or hotcats on it he opening his door blushing when he saw toriel she in her own purple PJ's, that was covered in B.u.t.t.'s pie she blushing herself thinking he was quite cute in his PJ's her own purple sleeping bag with butts pies on it under her arm.

"You ready?" her sweat voice asked sans nodding "yep. Pap ready?" he asked papyrus coming from behind toriel in orange PJ's with spaghetti and bones on them with a matching sleeping bag papyrus chuckling "YEP!" he said happily sans chucking

"Alright let's get down before-" He started before hearing the doorbell ring. "I got it!" papyrus said happily skipping to the door he laying his stuff down seeing the outside slightly decorated snickering guessing that's to hide the things they shouldn't see, even if there was nothing to bad out there around here.

"AH HEllO UNDYNE!" he said happily, from what sans saw she was like a blue fish wearing her own pajamas covered in fish and spears a yellow dinosaur behind her wearing some kind of anime Pj's that he didn't understand and hearts. She waved shyly papyrus letting them in "hello alphys!" he said forgetting he was supposed to be quiet, dad's orders. "H-hello papyrus!" alphys said undyne smiling "hello punk!" she said giving undyne a noogie before heading inside with alphys papyrus groaning shaking his head hatting noogies closing the door.

"Hope where not to early papyrus!" undyne said with a toothy grin papyrus smiling "not at all undyne! Get comfy! where just finishing the food!" he said running to the kitchen sans chuckling happily sitting down on his own sleeping bag watching them get there's laid out.

"Sup punk! Again!" undyne said with a smile the two the only real ones knowing about his memory lost with the rest of his family everyone else that was invited was just told about it that new sans before so they weren't shocked when he seemed like he didn't know them.

After a few minutes the doorbell rang again toriel getting up this time opening the door to see too ghost she guessing when alphys asked if she could invite to guest these where it "h-hello....." one said that was a white tint

"Hello beauties!" the other greeted it a shade of pink alphys appearing behind her "a-ah! H-hello mettaton! H-hello blooky" she said with a shy smile waving at them toriel greeting them as well once she learned there names letting them in. mettaton set up her sleeping back with microphones and makeup while blooky set up beside her with headphones and music notes on his. Sans sighed yawned laying down on his sleeping bag about to close his eyes when he heard another ring he grumbling toriel heading to the door

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