Chapter 2-snowden

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They made it inside the inn seeing gaster just finishing up with the shop keeper. He turned around just in time to see pap and sans inter the front door.

"We will be staying over in the inn for a day so we can enjoy the snow before we have to get back to the lab."

"COOL!" Pap exclaimed sans just nodding his head. It was already getting late or at least it seemed like it. They all headed to bed able to get two beds. Sans and pap shared one bed that he didn't mind while gaster got the other. Sans twist and turned in the bed trying not to wake pap.

He guessed it was going to be one of those rare nights were he just couldn't sleep. He sighed maybe a walk could help. He quietly got out the bed and out the door heading down the stairs. The inn keeper was nowhere to be seen. heading out the door he took a deep breath, even tho he didn't have lungs it still felt nice.

He turned his head down the road towards the forest again, I mean, it couldn't hurt going out a little into the forest...right? He started walking down the path, most of the monsters where asleep or closed for the night.

He the path continued into the woods nothing really interesting. The fresh snow underfoot crunched under his weight; echoing through the trees as he walked a few puzzles dotted around but it looked like they were deactivated and two sentry stations not far apart.

Now he was pretty far into the woods, the forest trees getting closer together and the snow getting deeper. He was about to start to head back when he heard the crack of a twig in the forest behind him. Turning around he saw the broken twig but nothing in sight other than small footprints near the branch. He looked around scanning the trees

"Hello!?" He called out looking around a little scared of what could be down here. Monsters said in rumors that the monsters came from the ruins and the ones that where left where vicious and never new love but gained L.O.V.E. That they killed for sport. He shivered felling something watching him and quicken his steps.

He suddenly saw a shadow following him through the trees and froze. Something was following him! He started to run looking behind him, he was in the middle of the woods with possibly a killer behind him with no one for miles, he was dead meat! He rammed into a wall falling to the ground

"oph!" He looked up and saw the ruin door, his eyes widened standing back up. {the ruins that means!?} ( {} means in his mind XP) he froze as he herd footsteps behind him stoping right behind him {IM DEAD!}

His eye lit up a slight blue as a bone summoned in his hand. He swung it behind him blindly and heard a slight Yelp.

Cliff hanger on purpose! Who is this shady person and why are they in the middle of the woods at night. Did sans just kill this person find out NEXT TIME!

But really to updates in a week whoop whoop! And I'm new to writing so be warned and I spaced them out so there prob Easter to read! You welcome anyway try to update as soon as possible thank you guys, sorry it's so short I wanted a cliff hanger :3 but anyway see you later! Red out!

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