Chapter- ???

35 2 1

"What? You thought this storie was over, idiots... Humans are so predictable

I did say thus fanfic was over flowey

*mumbles to self*-flowey

Anyway ya'll are probably shocked that im here, well after inspiration slapped me in the face I got an idea for thus chapter, sorry if its all over the place ill probably make it up as I go, but anyway enjoy!
-red out!

The echo of slippers hitting the hard stone ground echoed across the cave he was wandering through, it had been a while and really sans wanted to see someone for some words, just... Something.

It was in the middle of the night as well at least underground wise so he didnt even know if he was gonna be here but... He was here...

The skeleton stopped looking into a room. The center was filled with buttercups that glowed in the soft moonlight that monsters could even see past the barrier.

He sat down in the middle of the patch looking up at the faint sky while he waited thinking to himself.

"What are you doing here trashing?" A familiar voice said, just like old times

"Hey flowey." He said looking down at him seeing the bud with a mixture of confusion, anger and curiosity. "Ya gonna answer me?" He huffed sans sighing looking back up at the huge hole in the roof  "wanted to talk with you." He said gently knowing he didnt really have any one thing to say.

Sure there where resets sometimes from the weed but he new he couldnt stop it, and he wasnt mad for playing with anyone as long as he reset it in the end so there memories would erased, anyone but his brother of course. But thats beside the point.

"What about?" The flower asked shocked to hear coming from his mouth

"I just want to get some things off my head." He said rubbing his tired eye.

"Why? Why to me?" He growled sans shrugging "dont know... Just is." He said tiredly not getting much sleep lately of course, since his father died not to long ago and no one remembers

"Do YOU know about Dr. Gaster?" He asked, he new himself but he was starting to get desperate in finding anyone that need about his father if... It he even was his father.

"Oh trash bag 2? Your father, yeah I know about him, why?" He grunted, he should kill
The skeleton and just go but his curiosity was getting to him

He sighed seeming happy or just like he wasnt going crazy "no one else does... I was curious since you've met him and know time lined if you woukd remember." He said gently

"That all?" He snarled "just.... One more thing...." He sighed trying to think on how to word it....


"Well spit it out." Flowey snarled

"Ever think we'll be free?" He asked both of them going quiet befotr flowey snarled "why?" He growled

"I dont know... Been having these strange dreams of the surface with everyone, with a human." He said softly flowey glaring at him sans not even flinching under the glare.
It was silent for a bit again flowey huffing.

"Monsters, so stupid and pathetic." He growled

"Says the monster." He chuckled

"Says the experiment." He shot back, smiling when sans flinched and look away with black eyes. "Oh sorry did I hit a nerv." He chuckled

Another silence "are you done crying in a corner now." He snarled as sans finally brought himself back together.

"Sure." Sans grunted voice strained laying down innthe bed of flowers. He plucked one looking at it twirling it in between his fingers.

"Ya know, those things are deadly poisoness." He said. It wasnt a warning, it wad a sign to say 'just eat it and end your life because I know how depressed you are' sans didnt do anything though

"I know." Was the only thing he said flowey slowly rapping a vine around both his legs and one of his hands without him noticing not Actually touching his bone yet ether.

"No one will remember you though, you know that." He hissed softly with a chuckle "no own would fins you ether if you died here." He said reading Sanses face like a book as he looked at the flower in his hands that basicly smiled back at him.

The skeleton twitched "ill let you think, see ya, or, not." The flower chuckled leaving him thr vines dissapering. If sans was gonna kill himself, he was fine with it.

It wasnt long till the skeleton started to move from the spot he sitting up, the deadly silence was murdering him slowly. He still was looking at the flower two buttons appering


*EAT IT                                                     *DO NOT

You decide....

I'm back just to say chose what will happen in the next chap chap or ill just write both, doesnt matter, ether way have a nice day byyyyyeeeee >:3

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