Chapter-7 flash backs

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Ok I don't know if this counts but suicidal, running away, abuse, experiments yada yada warrning for people that get triggered by that but I don't think it's bad like that
It's been about a week sense gaster has band him not to see Toriel or the ruins ever again. At times he couldn't take it and tried to sneak off to there during the night but gaster was always one step ahead of him.

Gaster felt sorry for sans but he knew it was for his own good. Even tho they where experiments at first he has grown a bond that can't be broken and would shader him and pap if he died and when he tried to explain sans would just shove us away...but...he was determined.

He gently pushed the door open to his room, he was laying on his bed turned away from him. Pap was on his bed and was trying to make him feel better before he walked in. He walked over to his bed and gently sat down. 'Well he hasn't hurled me into a wall yet so that better' he thought

"Sans.." He said calmly looking down at him.

"..." Nothing

"Look..Sans I-"

"You don't care about me...I'm just some crappy experiment to never cared about me or my feelings..." He growled cutting him off, his eye slightly flickered blue. "Just get out of here..."

"Sans-" he tried to start

"Now." He deeply growled still looking away.

Gaster sighed getting up and leaving the room papyrus tailing behind slightly scared.

Once he knew they left he got up from his bed blue tears streaming down his face as he sat on the end of his bed thinking

{they probably don't care about me, well pap does but he would get over it and gaster is just a mad scientist that won't ever change} he thought starting to pack up some of his things

{I could bring pap along but...he's probably better here...he probably won't remember him ether way} he slung the light blue back pack under his arm

{it's...not forever...just a few think...} he convinced himself writing a note and placing it on his bed before teleporting out into Snowden once more. He decided to take the long way to think a bit...

{the reason he probably home schooled us is because of are freakish powers and shap shifting abilities.} he thought back to when he shifted into his gaster blaster like self right in front of the city oh was that embarrassing and scary heh the first time he did that in school....

{the reason he made us was to break the barrier or at least me. He didn't care about my needs just on making them "free" like that would of worked.}
The first time he said that to me. That he didn't care or he was just a dumb experiment...

He stumbled slightly shaking his head trying to get rid of the memory's, all the pain and suffering, the needles, the determination,...all the puns trying to make him fall asleep from the sleeping gas....his eye....a name plate, heh cage him like an animal and make him suffer, made him kill.

He didn't realize a stream off tears flowing down his face.

Then...papyrus...papyrus was the only thing he lived for, breath for he brought him into his life after all the was kinda worth it just to see pap smile again.

He was lost in thought approaching the ruins until he heard a startled voice

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!" He snapped from his thoughts his eyes wide

"TORI!" He screamed rushing towards the ruin door hoping that she wasn't dead or hurt.
T.W.O CHAPTERS IN IDK A FEW HOURS!! Well it's not that long but I wanted another cliff hanger muahhahahahaha am I killing your souls yet! Well anyway I hope you like these two quick chapters and I'll see ya in the next one! Huh I wonder who came nocking in the ruins.
Word count: 598 (before description)


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