Chapter 17- SANS?!?!?

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Toriel and papyrus entered the lap after a few more hours later after sans had left to go back to gaster they both chatting together about some cooking ideas since papyrus still needed some training.

"there you two are" gaster said looking at the two as they entered both their heads looking over at gaster that walked toward them "have y'all seen sans? I asked him to come help me with something hours ago." he mumbled looking around the two shocked

"Sans left to come to the lab right after you called him I thought he would be done with whatever he was doing hours ago." toriel said worried looking up at gaster that was shocked to.


"Where... could he have gone...?" papyrus asked looking up at gaster with a sad worried look... if he wasn't here... WHERE was the then..... Sans had never wandered off before.... And there was no reason for him to have ran away.... Again.....

"W-we got to find him!!! he might be hurt!!!" toriel bursted out papyrus nodding gaster agreeing with a extremely worried look

"Alright pap you get snowden toriel you can do waterfall and I'll do hotland and new home, I hope we're not too late" he mumbled rushing off the other two going their separate directions looking around for sans everywhere but... nothing...

Toriel finally got to the bridge she surprised to see the bridge was broken, in the middle "SANS!!!" she looked down into the abyss getting a sickening feeling that something wasn't right here...

She gasped when she saw a piece of sanses jacket ripped on one of the wooden planks that were broke, she carefully going over and grabbing it before going back to solid ground tears falling down her face "sans...." she mumbled shaking hard picturing what could've happened "SANS!!!!" she screamed out feeling her soul break hugging the piece of his jacket close... it still smelt like ketchup.... Oh sans..... Why... why did this have to happen to you?

Time past as the others reunited and toriel told them what she found... the remainder of sans.... They all had a moment of silence papyrus and toriel crying, hugging each other in gasters lap as they sobbed, gaster crying to... finally they went to bed they all sleeping with gaster, they couldn't take it sleeping alone and really gaster didn't mind... he wanted it he hugging the two tight they all eventually falling into an uneven sleep.

"I'm sorry sans...." she mumbled hugging the piece of fabric tight before passing out

(IM SOOORRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS BEEN SO LONG!!! sad part is this has been done for a bit I was just kinda lazy to get on my other computer and post this/AND I haven't had much time but thank you for sticking.  with me more coming soon I mean in prob two secs XD)

Ok posted this twice sorry there the same just gonna do part 18... yea XP)

Update 2.0

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