Chapter 13- Nighmares (2)

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Sans over the days started to feel better but it didn't stop the now constant nightmares plaguing him. Usually he was to weak or to tired to even yell but he did cry softly as to not wake anybody as they usually happened at night while he was asleep from the medicine. This deam however... Was different...than ALL the once. Before...

Sans opened his eyes to see he was in a golden hall way, and... It looked beautiful until he saw another him wearing papyruses scarf and with dead eyes, and what horrified him even more was that the same kid was standing in from of him with a evil glare stepping forward.

"Welp... Sorry old lady... This is why I NEVER make promises." The other him growled his eye flickering blue "it's a beautiful day outside... Birds are singing... Flowers are blooming.... On days like these... kids like you...should be BURNING IN HELL!" The other sans yelled starting to fight the child as he starred wide eyed at how hopeless he really was in the future world. But then he was suddenly in the others sans position as

Sans shot up from his spot on the couch breathing heavily his tired eyes starting to get heavier by each nightmare. He mumbled wile print his tears from his eyes as he looked at the clock "3:28..." He mumbled to himself
Shaking his head slight with a huge yawn but was terrified to fall asleep for another nightmare but... He was really tired after all the other nightmares or what people call it when your sick fever dreams.

Sans grumbled getting of the couch and headed to the kitchen where he grabbed a bottle of ketchup from the fridge chugging it.

"Sans?" A tired looking Toriel said in the doorway of the kitchen looking at him curiously "what are you doing up this time of night?" She asked worriedly.

"I could say the *yawn* same to you..." He mumbled a yawn breaking though his words as he rubbed his eyes. He stumbled slightly from tiredness 'ugh can't keep this up long...' He thought with another yawn that he tried to hide.

Toriel walked over to him holding his drooping head up "sans... How well have you been sleeping...?" She asked felling he rest his head in her hand.

"Mnn a few nightmares..." He mumbled his eyes drooping as he leaned into Toriels chest his eyes drooping more. Toriel gently picked him up and carried him to her room that was a spare room gaster had for storage but they touched it up a bit, it mostly looking the same as before but the walls where still grey.

Sans had fallen asleep almost instantly when Toriel picked him up, Toriel resting him in her bed she laying beside him, covering the two up.

"Good night sans..." Toriel mumbled drifting off too beside him with a small smile.
(Toriel pov)

Toriel woke up first seeing the small skeleton sleeping beside him soundly nuzzled into her side. She chuckled rapping an arm around his side hugging him closer to her with a small blush and a relived look. "At least he's sleeping ok now..." She whispered now noticing the dark circles under in dark eyes frowning wishing she had noticed sooner.

She carefully got up and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast but will let sans sleep sense he needs it. She made   Pancakes knowing what flavor was everyone's different favorite. Sans liked well of corse ketchup but mostly likes plain so he can put ketchup on them, papyrus loved chocolate and fruit it even cinnamon it really depends on the day, while gaster... He likes anything really but fruit but she thinks he has a sweet tooth for her butterscotch cinnamon pancakes that was her favorite.

She made the pancakes humming a soft familiar toon as she stacked three of each kind on four different plates her own stomach growling as she smelt them. "Not now..." She mumbled picking up sanses plate, heading upstairs. She gently peeked in sanses room to see he was still asleep rolled onto his side, she smiled setting the plate down on the bedside dresser with a small note.

She started to leave glancing back at the small figure with a blush 'he's so cute...' She thought gently closing the door behind her as she went to go wake up the others.

(Sans pov)

Sans mumbled blinking awake about an hour later he letting out a small groan a yawn following his moments as he sat up. He looked around seeing the now heated up pancakes on the dresser beside him he smiling. he grabbed the pancakes and started to eat thinking back to last night.

He shuddered thinking about the nightmare he had but pushed it away as he finished his breakfast. He was tempted to fall back asleep but knew he should probably get up ether way knowing he probably slept in to much.

Getting up he stretched letting out another huge yawn as he rubbed his eyes and headed downstairs leaving his plate in the room to lazy to take it.

Walking outside of toriels room he headed to the living room to see gaster was working on something. toriel and papyrus playing, papyrus in his other form as Toriel held up a stick as papyrus tried to jump for it missing each time but determined to get it. He smiled watching the two play from the doorway slightly hidden so they wouldn't be disturbed by him. he smiled pulling out a camera and took a picture of the two with a big smile thinking about starting to secretly scrap book cute moments that happen.

they had an old camera so it almost imminently printed out he making sure it dried before putting it carefully away stepping into the room with his smile.

Toriel noticed him not paying attention to papyrus as her eyes brightened even more "oh!! Good morning saANNSSS!!" She was cut off as she was dragged to the ground by papyrus, papyrus on her chest looking down at her, his tail wagging fast.

Papyrus looked up at his brother with a bark jumping off Toriel and shifting with a big smile "I DID IT!!" He yelled jumping up and down with a big smile.

Sans chuckled "you sure did!" He said with a small yawn.  Toriel looked at him worriedly still seeing his hazy expression

"Did you sleep well?" She asked trying to ask as casually as she could seeing papyruses look become worried to.

He shrugged "I'm fine." He mumbled walking over and sitting on the couch leaning against it heavily his eyes closing half way. Toriel sighed sitting down next to her, she sitting him in her lap.

"Get some rest sans... I know you need it...." She whispered rubbing his back lovingly, hearing him yawn once again.

"Come on Tori... I'm fine..." He mumbled struggling to stay awake, Toriel starting to hum a soothing song luring him to sleep quickly. Toriel smiled once he was out hugging him, nuzzling his head

"Get some rest sleepy bones." She whispered just looking at him with a slight blush, watching him sleep soundly it making her feel relaxed "where going to get though this... I promise..." She whispered kissing the top of his skull.

*still a blushing mess*
H-hey guys! I-I got this o-out f-for y'all might be two s-separate parts but still h-hope you like it!!

Ink- >///<

A-anyway s-see y'all later h-howlers


*runs away from shippers*

Word count: 1227

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