N/a sad news

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So for some of y'all I don't know when school starts but mine starts in five days...


So the updates will be less common but I HOPE to make them longer so it's worth the wait.

Also guys if you have any idea like one shots them PLEASE let me know because...
I'm surprisingly running out of ideas

The only GOOD news about school starting is that I might be getting this REALLY COOL BACKPACK

The only GOOD news about school starting is that I might be getting this REALLY COOL BACKPACK

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Ink: *blushes hard in background.

And I'm going to west Florida so if you see me with THIS backpack come up and say "hey are you redcynder1234" and I'll be like "YES I AM!!" And we will be best friends but some info I might do a face reveal soon but I'm light skin, brown long-ish curly hair and am tall around 5' 8" something like that so again if you see me say hi because I would LOVE to see you around (idk if there's west Florida's in other country's and states but *shrug*

*notices ink rainbow blush*

Yes ink I'm getting a back pack of you *kisses cheek*

*realizes what I have done and blushed hard*



*runs away*

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