Chapter 15- asgore

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"H-hey Tori!" Asgore greeted with a shy smile

"Don't call me that." She growled staring up at him with anger

"Heh, w-well I heard you where back in town a-and I wanted to see how you where doing!" Asgore smiled lightly it slightly forced by the glare toriel was giving him. He tried to step towards her but she just backed away glaring up at him with full hatred remembering what HE did.

Asgore could barely see the small skeleton now behind Toriel looking at her worriedly and confusion papyrus coming from  where he was playing to hear what was going on.

"You know I don't like you anymore ASGORE." She growled back at him sans flinching slightly, he coming from beside Toriel to stand next to her just I case he tried anything.

"I just wanted to say hello and talk!" He said slightly defensively looking down at Toriel, he did come here for that but he wanted to get Toriel back to.

Sans looked up at the tall goat like monster in fear causing him to shrink slightly but he tried to act strong, his voice mostly saying he was a calm fellow but sans still didn't trust him.

"Fine, but don't try anything." She growled starting to walk towards the Snowden store, they did need some stuff and she just hadn't had the time to go shopping lately.

"I'm going to the store real quick." She said walking away from the two with a sigh wishing asgore didn't have to ruin this for them. But of course when people saw her she should've known they where going to tell asgore that she was out of the ruins.

Papyrus scurried off, following Toriel listening to their conversation from afar so he could make sure asgore didn't do anything to sans, he even having feelings that this wasn't the best monster ever, but as always he believed anyone could change.

"So.... Skeleton...." Asgore started looking down at the small figure with his own glare.

"It's sans..." He slightly growled looking up at him slightly shrinking more from his glare but tried to look strong. 

"Sans... Your friends with her right? Only friends..." He growled threateningly like if he said no he would be dead where he stood.

Sans nodded quickly with fearful eyes, gulping as he took a step back from asgore a slight drip of sweet running down ha skull.

"Good..." He growled walking off in the direction Toriel went in sans watching him with a fearful look. 'Toughen up sans, don't let this guy get the best of you' he thought running after asgore and peeking into the shop to see Toriel was just getting some bags full of groceries, with another box that she hid in one of the bags, he just guessing it was nothing.

She turned around to be only inches away from asgores muzzle, she growled slightly as to tell him if he tried anything then he would be dead,

Asgore backed away with slightly, chuckling nervously as Toriel just pushed past him heading straight to sans her smile coming back to her face, her face becoming brighter.

"Hello sans! Come, let's go explore Snowden more." She said giving a mad glance back at asgore before she led sans back outside the store.

"What was all that about...?" He whispered looking up at Toriel.

"Oh it was nothing, he's not the best monster on my list anymore..." She said looking away slightly.

".....h-how about the... 'I don't love you anymore.....?'" He asked looking down at the ground feeling his soul shatter slightly.

"Oh sans...." She started picking the small skeleton up, hugging him close to her.

"Do you not.... L-like me...?" He whimpered hugging her tighter Toriel blushing as she giggled.

"Of course I do my PUNNY bone." She said nuzzling his head as they walked away from the mad looking asgore, Flames burning in his hands.

"Come lets go somewhere ALONE." She sightly growled seeing asgore started to follow the two. he stopped  watching them go back to there house to put the food away before REALLY going out. Papyrus followed them slightly worried and scared.
Once they got home and everything  was put away they all went to waterfall since they knew asgore was in Snowden they not knowing about asgore following the group secretly.

"It's beautiful here isn't it....?" Toriel asked looking up and around at the glittering stones in the walls and ceiling, they both heading to the wishing room.

"Yea...." Sans mumbled with a sigh looking down at the ground as he walked, Toriel starting to get worried.

"Sans is something wrong...?" She asked the small skeleton putting a paw on his shoulder making him look up at her.

"I just wish we could enjoy the real stars someday....." He mumbled pulling away from Toriels grasp looking up at the glittering stars above him.

Toriel sat down on a towel she brought urging sans and pap to do the same, sans sitting down next to Toriel, leaning into her side slightly with a blush. Papyrus sat beside the two with a smile but his eyes showed a slight loneliness wishing he had someone to.... Even tho he was still kinda young and sans wouldn't like it that much.

"I bet we will...I know it..." She said confidently looking back up at the stars... Nothing could be better... And nothing could go wrong.... Right....?

They stayed there in a comfortable silence day dreaming on what the surface could be like and such until Sanses phone rang making the three jump.

Sat sat up answering the phone "yea G?" He asked listening him talk for a second "yea so what...?" He asked with a confused look, looking down at the ground. He sighed "yea, yea k bye G." He mumbled hanging up, stuffing his phone in his pocket.

"Dad needs me y'all can stay here if ya like." He said getting up deciding to walk though waterfall to enjoy the sites. Toriel nodded watching him go with a sad look papyrus sighing

"He and his work..." Papyrus mumbled shaking his head Toriel looking at him curious but didn't press what he ment.

(Sans pov)

Sans looked around at the shiny rocks as he walked enjoying the peacefulness while I've had it. His breath was slow and steady thinking about Toriel "I love tang woman..," he mumbled with a smile a sudden voice appearing behind him making him freeze

"I do to." The voice growled sans spinning around only to see red shining eyes and something coming for his skull before he was knocked out something hitting his skull hard

Finally got this out sorry guys and sans is having a baaaaaddddddd time >:3
And I won't tell you anymore :3



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