Chapter- ????-2

36 2 3

Ummmmm should I put depresson and death warning here?? Probably. Well here it is. Its not the best but hope you like anyway, see ya later peeps!

But really magor depresson ahead!!!!!

Do not...

Sans shook his head. What was he thinking?? Was this stress really getting to his head that bad to the point he wanted to reallt do this? Gosh he was a mess, going to his enemy for help and then killing yourself. Shaking it off he stood up shakily dropping the flower looking bavk up at the hole one more time.

He wasnt a wimp, toriel and papyrus needed him. His brother. His crush. He couldnt let them down. He was stronger than this.

Even if times seemed rough now he couldnt just throw it to the wind, he just wished he could get help. He never new any other monsters in Snowden, where there staying so he was nervous to as. And toriel reallt never went out of the ruins anyway so.... Whats the point IN asking.

T-they where fine... Yeah... Just fine... Sighing he turned around from the spot heading back the way he came looking back once before dissapering into thr darkness.

The looming threat of something big happening also with that face of hunger, Since they where only kids, was killing him and them slowly, but they could do this. No matter what...


Was filled with.... Determination????

Sans looked at the flower in his hands starting to think about what good this could do for him,

First off he was just a waist of materials. No one wanted or ever needed him in the first place. Sure toriel and papyrus would be mad but it was far from anything they coukd handle. Papyrus had toriel and toriel had him, they coukd live. It just might be easier if he did die.

On other notes he was slowly going mad, he new it. To be the only one remembering resets to his dad to seeing papyrus and toriel die over... And over again... Just from that weed...

Did... Could he do this?

He was always scared of death, he may never admit it but he was....

Now death seemed impossible with resets every week or less... The flower coukf just reload and boom he's alive...

So was it worth trying...?

Try to see how it feels, and if it feels good then... Try it more? Try it till the flower saves past his death so he could never come back...?

Yeah.... Yeah that sounded... Really nice...

He needed... A break ether way....

He sat up taking a few more in his hands looking down at them. Yeah.... He did want this... They woukd understand... And if anything....

Its gonna reset anyway

Chuckling dryly he realized he was going nuts. Probably.... His mind already new the fact it was gonna reset so...

Why try...?

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ɥǝ uǝʍ ıʇ ʍonlp...

ꌗꂦ ꅏꃅꌩ ꅏꍏꌗ ꃅꍟ ꃅꍟꌗꀤ꓄ꍏ꓄ꀤꈤꁅ...?

He looked down at the plants in his hands before slowly biting off a petal swallowing it he almost immidently wanting to puke but kept it down taking an entire flower down

✋︎⧫︎ ⬥︎♓︎●︎●︎ ♋︎●︎●︎ ♌︎♏︎ □︎❖︎♏︎❒︎ ⬧︎□︎□︎■︎📬︎📬︎📬︎

Heh heh...

It wasnt soon that the skeleton started to feel sick and even forced some back up, it was just magic and buttercup petals

N̤̮o̤̮ g̤̮o̤̮i̤̮n̤̮g̤̮ b̤̮a̤̮c̤̮k̤̮ n̤̮o̤̮w̤̮...

He laid there as he let the poison slowly spread through his body he closing his eyes in the flower patch he was Destin to dust on...

"SANS!?" He heard two startled voices yell in the corners off his mind beforr he blacked out

He dusted a few days later in his bed at home... Holding papyrus close...

In guilt....

But happyness to be free....

Sooooooooo decided to do thus today and was like. Sure cool XD I made sans so depressed in this but thats what I do best >:D

Anyway hope you like, might do other things but Idk soooo.... See ya

Also I like playing woth fonts :3

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