Chapter 8-human

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"TORI!" He slammed against the ruin door pushing against it hard. It cracked open just enough to get through. He ran past the halls and up the stairs to see a human position right above Toriel knife in hand.

He immediately flung bone attacks at the human sending then flying off of Toriel and into the wall, there red soul hovering in front of them with bits of black starting to take over there soul slowly.

"Sans!" She wimpered looking over at him shaking hard, tears streaming down her face. Sans summoned blue bones around and above the human his eye flashing blue and yellow.

"Blue means stop, you move, your die." He growled making sure the human didn't go anywhere before rushing towards Toriel. "Tori are you alright!" He said seeing cuts all over her body but for the most part, just scared.

He checked her stats
4/10 hp
He hugged Toriel that cried into his shoulder mumbling "I'm sorry" over and over again. He looked around to see her once mother turned to dust. All that was left was her pink dress and her red scarf with a purple button on it flowers littering the end of the scarf.

He looked back over at the human anger and grief surging through him as tears fell from his eyes. He summoned an attack that looked like some type of goat, dog skull and Aimed it at the kid. He didn't even realize what he was doing until he fired it the humans eyes going wide as they where hit by the beam.

He covered Toriels ears as he herd the child scream that was drowned by the sound of the gaster blasters beam.

The gaster blaster was gone as soon as it came sans feeling woozy, the attack taking more magic from his soul than any other attack making him shake and shiver.

Toriels eyed widened slightly pushing away from sans and look at where the kid was standing moments before, a shattered red heart on the ground with dust and ash around the spot the beam hit.

"S-sans..?!" She mumbled looking at him, he was also looking at the spot.

"G-...get...dunked on..." He mumbled before passing out.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, is he gonna be okay! I-I can't lose him to!"

"He will be fine."

"THIS IS THE SECOND TIME HE ALMOST DIED!!!" Sans flinched at the loud voice.

"He's not gonna die he's just tired, he used a lot of magical energy."


"Because he used a lot of magic, his soul is using back up magic and trying to make more magic for his body making his soul slightly glow, as I think would probably hurt.



Sans cracked one of his eye sockets open seeing a dark room and three familiar looking faces that he couldn't make out, his vision was two blurry.

He heard slight sobbing and sniffling as he looked over to Toriel, his vision slowly got more even and he realized it was Toriel. She was wearing lyriel's scarf. She was lightly crying into it, her wounds rapped up in bandages and places where healing magic has worked to heal some of her wounds.

She slowly opened her eyes to see sans looking at her a hand on her hand a weak smile on his face. He gently reached up and wiped her tears from her eyes.

"D-..don't cry...bout me..." He whispered weakly tears forming in his own eyes.

"SANS!" She yelled tackling him in a hug, more tears falling from her eyes but not because she was sad but because she was happy. "I-I-I thought you w-were gonna d-die!! Again!!" She whimpered hugging him close, sitting on the bed on with sans had sat up on.

He weakly hugged her back looking back down on the scarf

"W-what happened to-" he said cautiously

"They've fallen down." Toriel mumbled hugging him tighter. Sans froze in horror 'fallen down, dead! If he was they just a little faster he could of stopped it, he could of saved them' he thought starting to cry to "I could of stopped this" he whispered to himself, regret washing over him. Toriel gently pulled away looking at him.

"This isn't your fault sans no one could of predicted what was going to happen not even you lazy bones." She lightly smiled that was slightly forced making sans smile to, them both slightly blushing.

Papyrus was happy to see that sans was awake and Toriel was happy. Gaster just looked at the two sadly gilt washing over him.

"I'm sorry..." Gaster started looking at the two.

Sans looked at him confused "sorry? For what?" He asked Toriel also looking slightly confused but they could guess.

"I sorry...I shouldn't have kept y'all two apart..I was just trying to do what was best for you didn't die..." Gaster said walking over to sans Gaster sitting on one side opposite of Toriel.

"......" He sighed "I forgive you..." He smiled looking up to his father.

He smiled raping his arm around sans. "Just don't try to die on my again kid this is twice this week!" He said playfully.

Sans laughed "if you can stop me!" He shot back playfully. "Come on tori lets go try to get in trouble." He said launching off the bed Toriel giggling behind him. He lost his balance falling to the floor "oph!...well I forgot bout that." He chuckled feeling slightly light headed again.

"SANS!" She jumped of the bed helping him up. "You bonehead!" He said trying to sound angry as she sat him back on the bed. "You need some rest!" She laid sans down on the bed covering him up with a blanket, shooing pap and dad out. And with that he fell asleep quite easy.
YAAASSS *partys* IM ON A ROLL WITH CHAPTERS!!! And A HUMAN!?!?!? YEP! Muhahahha anyway yes lyriel has died and
Tourus (Toriels father that I may or may not forgot and may or may or be dead) that might be dead, who knows! Anyway I am SO happy people care about this book SO MUCH it's just...*fangirls* it's amazing and it fills me with determination to make these chapters the best they can be! I hope you ALL have a wonderful day and I'll see you best time!
word count: 1003 (before description)

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