N/a facts about me for 13 subs!

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Ok next chapter is coming out TOMORROW I SWEAR but for now for 13 subs 10 stars and over 100 READS!?!? I'm doing some quick facts about myself scene everyone's kinda doing it XD (p.s random fact ok because YOLOL!! Kinda) (aboves my doll XD)

1) I like to draw, read and write.

2) I like soriel but also like frisk X sans/ reader X sans...

3) I haved sinned...do I need to say more....


5) once in school my friends (that were really close) picked on me because they thought I liked sans/bob (they don't know what Undertale even is but I rant about it so much so they just call sans bob XD) and I was a blushing mess. For the rest of that year they picked on me and now...I think I like sans....(first time blushing at a boy)

6) I have two dogs that are just like sans and papyrus that I called them sans and papyrus in front of my mom

7) I'm running out of ideas for facts!

8) I am just like sans I make puns, am lazy, don't sleep, and kinda like ketchup (not like that)

9) I have a sans doll that my dad had someone else make for my birthday!

10) I feel my sins craw on my back (no joke my backs tingleing XD)

11) I have done a geno run a technically 3 pasifus runs BECAUSE 2 was on my dads crome with the geno then I did a pasifus ONLY on my Crome

12) my brother interrupted this fact book THANKS BROTHER UGH

13) I have been bullied

Any more things you want to know about me let me know!/comment here!

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