Chapter 21- an idea

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Sans slowly woke up with a mumble curling more into the soft surface under him while something fluffy hugged him tighter. He didn't know what it was but it was amazing feeling, he never wanted to wake up... until... he heard the last of the bones and spearing undyne and papyrus were moving outside stopped they opening the door "OK YOU LAZY-" there voices cut off seeing what was happening the two snickering sans yawning there snickering stopping right when they saw sans was starting to really come to. He opened his eyes looking at the two stretching and yawning "mn?" he asked the two still smirking mettaton behind them taking a picture. He already took a few he confused turning his head too be inches from a muzzle in front of him he yelping scrambling back falling to the ground.

The sound of his yelp woke toriel that sat up in shock before realizing what was happening sans blushing hard with her he pulling his hood over his skull having enough of this shoving his hands in his pockets and heading upstairs to his room without another word collapsing into it feeling horrible

(toriel pov-short)

Toriel watched him go frowning, even papyrus felt bad running after him knocking on his door a muffled voice answering it with his "i'm sorry sans!" that was faint. There was nothing for a bit before he came back down head hanging sitting on the couch feeling horrible for the pranks he and the others threw at him.

Undyne sighed going to comfort pap with mettaton toriel left there still blushing hard frowning unable to tear her eyes from sanses room. Before she knew it she was standing up heading upstairs to sanses room listening hearing mumbling and pacing gently knocking on the door.

(Sans pov)

Sans ran through all of the events last night complaining on how he could've just said no and how stupid and dumb he was. He could've just teleported out of the closet in the first place, He bet toriel was so mad in him right now. He didn't know his pacing and tears running down his face until he heard another knock at the door.

"Go away pap" he said trying to keep his voice even until he heard the sweet voice he slightly feared to snap at him. "Sans... please let me in.." toriel said on the other side of the door his body locking up staring at the door he wiping his tears away opening it with his magic sitting on his bed pulling his knees to his chest not making eye contact with toriel as she walked in.

He heard her stop before continuing sitting beside him gently rubbing his back that he couldn't help lean into it helping him relax. "I'm sorry" he blurted out before he had time to think looking up at her soft sad face tears in his eyes she gently wiping them away with her paw.

"It's ok... I understand..." she said carefully worried about the small skeleton next to her "it... was quite interesting..." she said with a smile it making sans smile a little but it faded he looking down.

"I thought you hatted me..." He mumbled with a soft whimper looking away before feeling furry arms around him hugging him close "of course not silly!" he said with a smile sans smiling finally to, he sighing leaning into her they staying like that for a while before soft snores came from toriels chest she looking down seeing sans was asleep smiling picking him up heading downstairs the three looking at her papyrus sighing happily glad to see he was ok

"Now that, that's over, who wants some breakfast?" she asked with a kind smile

--------------(Time skip)--------------

Undyne and mettaton had to sadly go the only two there the rest heading home earlier toriel waving them bye before fixing breakfast the group eating after waking sans up, they punned and talked happily until they were done sitting down on the couch watching a movie before gaster walked in from his work space that he hasn't left since a smile on his face. His words changed their hearts

"I... have an idea"


The three filed down into his lab sans nervous toriel and papyrus looking excited to see his plan they going into a room with machines and tools sans shrinking looking at them all his bones doing pail toriel hugging him trying to keep him calm rubbing his back gaster turning to look at the three

"I have an idea how to get his memory back" he said digging in his pocket pulling out a needle filled with red liquid sanses breath stopping with his bones looking straight at the needle taking a step back seeing more than just his dad. He saw the gaster that experimented on them, wait.... When that happen? He shook the mindless thought everything blurred around him

"Sans...?" toriel asked worried gaster frowning "sans I won't-" he was cut off by sans spinning around bolting hearing his name but didn't stop running. He didn't know how far he been running before feeling the ground crumble from under him he yelping just seeing darkness below him before feeling his head hitting something hard, he blacking out immediately.     

Word count- 884

Hello everyone I'm back and yes another chapter, I know it's short but I have to leave it on this cliff hanger :3. This probably wot happen a lot, with the chapter a day but I will try, anyway have a nice day and see you later my pups


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