Chapter 10-smol skele puppy's

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Thank you soriel_shipper for making this amazing fan-art! You deserve a shout out and for this to be the cover! Thank you again! And enjoy the chapter!

A few days has past...again the nightmares only coming twice a week it seemed so far.

Toriel had stayed over at there "house" that of course had questions about but sans tried to ignore them just saying "dads the royal scientist." And shrugging it off.

Toriel was the main cook and heck was she like a mother to us all, even gaster couldn't beat her motherly instincts and it was halatious to watch the two of them at times, and sense Toriel "lived" with them now, well she was more like a mom than a sister than anything. It got annoying at times but they lived and loved times.

But was different. Toriel had a plan today that she wouldn't let fail. Today she planed them all to go to Snowden and for them all to have fun in the snow. She walked into the "living room" where sans and papyrus was sleeping on the couch and gaster busy at all that..."science stuff" he did. She didn't get it and neither really did papyrus but sans was like he could do it in his sleep, literally.

ANYWAY!! (God writer_chan stay on topic) She walked up to gaster and gently pulled on his black lab coat. He looked down at Toriel with a slightly annoyed face. "What is it Toriel?" He asked slightly impatiently.

"What did I say about that tone!" She said tapping her foot looking slightly mad but really, she could never be mad for long. He just rolled his eyes "yes mother?" He asked again.

She sighed but let him off...for now "I was thinking all of us head to Snowden and have a break, playing in the snow and such!" She said cheerfully bouncing up and down.

He sighed "not now Toriel I'm busy go play with the others." Gaster shooed her away and went back to work. She huffed and crossed her arms.

"You haven't won yet gaster!" She walked out the room starting to think of a way to convince old grumpy bones to go to Snowden before he was tackled to the ground by a dog bone beast. (:3 yep gaster blaster au <3)

"H-hello there...?" She said slightly scared, it reminded her of that one attack sans summoned to kill that child. It was wearing the same thing as papyrus an orange striped shirt and red scarf and he was small.

He heard a deeper bark/growl, looking over she saw another wolf/dog beast but this one was bigger and wore the same thing sans did, a blue hoodie and basket ball short with a white stripe. The smaller one hopped off of her and walked over to the bigger one.

Confused she sat up looking at the two confused. 'Where was sans and papyrus and where did these bone puppy's come from?'

Suddenly the bigger one must of realized something and barked something to the little one that nodded rushing off somewhere. Suddenly a array of cracks and pops could be heard as the bigger pup started to shift, standing on two legs and his usual grin back.

Toriel stood there in shock compendhending (HELP I CAN'T SPEEL!!) that a dog beast thing just shifted into the pun loving skeleton she knew.

"I know your confused but it is a powers me and pap have when we where...born." He said raising his hand up.

"That'!!" He bounced towards him gripping his hands and spinning him. "can you do it again!!"

"Hey, hey! Calm down!" He said letting go with a light chuckle "of course I can, pap can to but he's still a little young."

Pap rushed down the stairs still in his canine form holding a book in his jaw, rushing over to Toriel and holding the book up like he wanted her to take it. Curious she took the book, it was a bed time story about a fluffy bunnies adventures. She smiled and sat on there couch with the book, pap following her and laying in her lap. He looked up at her waiting for the story his tail wagging.

Sans shifted into his canine form and jumped up on the couch too, laying down nest to Toriel his head resting on her knee.

She smiled and started to read the story them both falling asleep in the same positions sleeping soundly. She closed the book once she was done and looked down at the two sleeping skele puppy's. Giggling she gently laid back on the couch with a yawn. 'How could I be tired' she thought but shook it off closing her eyes. 'You win this time gaster..' She thought before drifting to sleep.

(Time skip brought to you by goat mom!)

Later that day.......

"PLEASE!!" She said adorably

"No Toriel!"

"Pretty please!!" She asked throwing a snowball at him that was behind her back.

"What the-!" He couldn't finish his sentence as the snowball hit his

"Where did you get snow....?" He muttered wiping the snow off his face with a groan. "Your not gonna stop till I say yes will you...?"

"YEP!" Toriel smiled innocently a sparkle of evil in her eyes. She swore she head a "go Tori!" From the living room, She shrugged it off.

"UGGGHHH FINE!!" He yelled flinging his hands in the air in frustration."BUT we go tomorrow it's to late today..." He looked away, going back to his work.

"YES!!!" Toriel said in excitement jumping up into the air. She turned around tackling a normal looking sans to the ground that was standing in the door way laughing.

"Woah hey calm down before you kill some skeleton!" He said startled but clearly with a playful tone.

"Alright blueberry!" She said not realizing what she had said before it was to late. Hey both blushed sitting on the floor

"Does...that mean I can call you buttercup?!" He said booping her nose with a cheesy grin.

"As long as I get to call you blueberry!" She said still blushing a dark purple, hugging him close.

omg guys I am SO SORRY i tried to work on this but UGH MY LIFE sometimes I just didn't feel like writing! Other times I was to busy god I am so sorry I will try to get another chapter out fast and easy but....don't count on it.
Second this intire chapter was supposed to be a snow day then it changed and THERE IS SO MUCH WRONG IN THIS CHAPTER!!!
But guys 322 views and 22 favorites god guys I don't deserve this but thank you for sticking around for so long for this shît chapter but anyway see ya next  time BYE!!
Word count: 1046

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