Chapter 19- The search for memory's

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alphys and undyne had looked around asking sans questions that he still didn't have the memory to answer eventually finding something horrifying to alphys and undyne at least, one night when they all were sleeping.

alphys woke up one night late just going to get something to help her sleep since she seemed to not be able to black back out. She walked past the sleeping sans something shining in her eye as she past she shaking her head looking over confused walking over to sans trying to see what was shining in her eyes.

She gasped seeing the hand plate on his hand is hand hanging down over the couch almost touching the floor she carefully gripping the hand in her own lifting it to inspect it

"S-1?" she mumbled out surprised shaking slightly confused and scared setting it back down before scurrying away to show undyne this. She needed to know.

"U-undyne!" she hissed going into her room shaking her she growling rolling over

"Later..." she grumbled alphys trying to pull her out of bed

"Come one undyne!! I saw something that might help us!!" she said undyne looking at her "alright, alright what was it" she grumped getting up she in her nightgown alphys pulling her to sans grabbing his hand again showing it to undyne her eyes widened

"A... hand plate...? She asked reading it seeing it was signed by w.d gaster... their... ROYAL SCIENTIST?!? "I don't like this but tomorrow we're heading to the lab" she growled alphys looking at it seeing the name to her soul jumping

"Y-yea we s-should" she mumbled shaking slightly not liking this at all undyne motioning them back to their room the two laying down alphys blushing looking away before undyne pulled her closer falling asleep alphys blushing worse but after a bit just calmed down and closed her eyes falling back asleep


Undyne was the first to wake up she looking around but didn't she alphys. 'Must already be up' she thought getting out of bed and getting something on before walking out of the room looking around seeing sans still sleeping but there was a heated up can of instant noodles, alphys must of made it for him when she got up.

Heading past sans she went outside seeing alphys looking up at their own stars near undynes house she smiling walking over and sitting beside her looking up at the stars.

there was silence for a while until undyne spoke up "can't sleep?" she asked not looking at alphys, she sighting "kinda.... But we should head to that lab while he's asleep, just in case he tries to run or follow us" alphys said looking over at undyne. Nodding the two got up and headed to the lab something sparking between the two. Fear.... and anger... mostly in undyne.... Why did he have that hand plate in the first place or...? Who knows.

Once they got there they both did hesitate before knocking at the door waiting for the scientist to appear.

(gaster pov)

Gaster was with the too kids on the first floor of the lab grieving while the too played papyrus trying to keep his and toriels mind off what happened but he could still see the flicker of sadness inside.

When he heard the knock on the door at first it surprised him but he eventually sighed "i'll get it" he said his voice deep and sad wondering who it was. He kinda thought it might be the king hearing about sans. But when he opened the door it was a surprise to find undyne and alphys looking up at him.

"Dr. gaster... we believe we have something that belongs to you" undyne said alphys curiously peeking in seeing papyrus and toriel now looking at the door curiously walking over.

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