Chapter 11-snow day/sickly sans

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All four of us went to Snowden the next day, Toriel was in the lead with pap telling us she new where the best place to have are snow day would be.

She woke us up pretty early making sans and gaster quite tired that day, gaster particle had to carry the small skeleton so He wouldn't fall asleep in the snow.

One we got there it had been a good 30min walk, pap and Toriel seeming to be the only excited two of the group.

"Where here!" She finally said looking back at the two collapsed figures in the snow practically asleep. Toriel scratched the back of her head nervously with a small chuckle. "I guess it was a small bit early..."


Sans opened one of his eyes with a small grumble to see the two rolling snowballs in the snow to make them bigger.

He slowly sat up brushing the snow off his jacket watching as the two struggled to lift one of the medium snowballs on top of the bigger one.

With a little bit of his magic he helped lift the snowball they where trying to move on top of the other. They must of not realized he did it tho because they high fives and went to get more snow. He chuckled as he watched them play around building snowmen and having small snowball fights until he saw Toriel starting to shiver a little bit and immediately got worried, he didn't want her to get a cold, he had one once (even tho he's a skele) and it felt horrible ugh he just shivered thinking about it.

He walked over to the two that where now talking in the snow, hugging Toriel for behind that jumped slightly but relaxed when she saw him.

"Oh h-hello sans!" She greeted with another shiver. Sans took off his jacket and rapped it around her and helping her up.

"I think it's time for us to head home, don't want you getting sick do we?" He said with a chuckle shivering himself. Pap followed them with a small pout but didn't complain further. He had teleported gaster back home to his bed so he wouldn't freeze to death in the snow.

He hid a small sneeze as he grabbed both there hand and teleported them all back home.

"I'll go make us all some hot coco!!" Toriel announced speeding off into the kitchen. Pap went to go check on gaster leaving sans alone. With a sigh he laid down on the couch with another small sneeze.

He sighed "there is no way I got sick that fast...then again I was sleeping in snow...." He muttered under his breath curling under the blanket that he left on the couch.

A few minutes later Toriel came back with four steaming hot chocolates in her paws. She left them on the coffee table in front of the couch and gently shook sans that groaned in response "come on sleepy bones hot coco's ready!" He groaned again but rolled over with his lazy grin.

"Alright, alright..." He said grabbing one of the cups and gently sipping it stifling a cough. Toriel looked at sans jacket she was still wearing and blushed taking it off and laying it over sans shoulders

"Forgot I still had you jacket..." She said worried as he heard sans cough again, louder this time. "Sans...are you sick?" She said checking his skull and flinching at how hot it was.

"I'm fine Tori." He said grouchily putting back on his hoodie and rapping the blacker over him more.

"Sans your sick." Toriel said in a motherly voice.

"No I'm not."


He sighed "alright I'm sick but it's just a small cold that all." He shrugged with another coughing session. Toriel ran of and came back with a thermometer that she placed in his mouth.

After a minute or two it beeped and when she check it she looked even more worried "sans I think you have the flu..."

He groaned loudly clearly mad "God dang it." He sighed "only other time I've been sick was a cold but I don't know really about a flu, what I do know is that I'm gonna feel miserable." He said with a small sneeze.

Pap came from upstairs with a happy expression that soon dissapered when he saw sans that was slightly starting to shiver. "SANS DID YOU GET ANOTHER COLD AGAIN?" Sans flinched with another cough

"He got the flu..." Toriel said not sure what to do. She snapped her fingers running of and returning with gasters laptop that they weren't really supposed to use but right now they needed it.

After a few minutes of looking with pap and sans watching her they figured out how long and what symptoms he may have. Sans half way though it got a headache and laid down with his jacket on the floor but the blanket over him.

"Pap can you go get an ice pack for sans, I'll get some soup and medicine ready." Sans groaned at the mention of medicine rolling over to face away from the two.

She smiled 'seems like someone doesn't like medicine' she thought going upstairs to there medicine cabinet in there bathroom 'wait why do the have a bathroom...' She thought but pushed it away as she grabbed the cold/flu medicine and a small cup to pour the medicine in later. She read the back

"May cause drowsiness, dizziness. Nervousness...?, and dry throat..." She read as she walked listing off a few others as she went. She looked down at the small skele that now had an ice pace on his head but she could tell he wasn't asleep by the shivering and he was still sweeting making her confused if he was warm or cold. "Oh sans~" she said in a sing song voice sitting down beside him "I got something for you~" she gently pouring the liquid in the small cup.

He glanced at Toriel to see the medicine, huffing himself more in the couch.

"Sans you need to take something you know." She said crossing her arms then she got an idea "oh blueberry~" he grunted in response "are you just to chicken to take the medicine." She said teasingly

He turned around sitting up a little looking at Toriel with narrowed eyes "I am not to chicken to take so-" Toriel kept his mouth open as she poured the medicine in his mouth. He swallowed making a slight gag reflex.

"What was that for?" He crocked starting to feel sleepier.

"Sorry blueberry you had to take something to make you feel better, don't worry I'm gonna make some soup for you." She said watching as he yawned and laid back down and falling asleep quite easily. She fixed his ice pack before getting up with a sigh "get better soon blueberry." She said joining papyrus in the kitchen to make that soup she promised.

I got back in the grove guys YES XD but a bit longer one for ya I just couldn't end it THAT short that was

Ink- what you doing now, another soriel fanfic

Me- noooooooo.....

Ink: *sigh* well I won't stop you I AM the person that inspired you to do some drawing and such

Me: yea, yea anyway ink might join us every now and again with maybe some other au's idk

Ink: but I though I was you fav...

Me: you are! *hugs* but plan to see them every now and again, and see you in the next chapt chapt fellow howlers

(Also I might nick name people that read my books and follow me howlers for now on, how does that sound?)

P.s if you have any doctor oc's or any oc's that you have then let me know and your oc might be in the next chapter! Maybe it depends on if I'm done with the next chapter or not in time but still I might use them in the future!!


Words: 1197

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