Chapter 3-toriel

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Sans blinked as he saw a short goat like monster, taller than him but still short.

"Woe! Hey calm down there I'm friendly" the girl said dodging the attack barely, her sweet voice scared.

"Oh! S-sorry are you ok!?" Sans said scared that he almost hurt (because he only does one damage >:3) an incident looking girl.

"I'm fine" she smiled sweetly "I'm Toriel! Caretaker and protected of the ruins and any monster there! Who are you?" She tilted her head curiously.

"I-I'm sans, sans the skeleton." He lightly blushed looking away. {man she's pretty}

"Nice to meet you sans!...uh what are you doing in the middle of the woods by yourself?" She asked

"Heh I could ask the same thing to you but I just..." {I can't tell her the real reason! She'll think I'm nuts!} "W-well I was just exploring...I'm new to this area so..." He said nervously. It wasn't a total lie...

"You know it's dangerous out here! You could of caught a cold or something! She ran up inspecting him for any wounds or sickness

"Hehehe..." He laughed nervously scratching the back of his skull, blushing darker. "I-I'm fine. Trust me." He said yawning right after felling his eyes finally droop down.

"Oh! Right you must be tired come you can stay over at my house if you want." She offered running up to the ruins door behind him opening it a crack.

"Well..." He said looking back at the way he came from remembering gaster and pap, if they see he was gone they would be worried...

"Come on it won't hurt!" She grabbed sans hand and lightly tugged, smiling {that sweet smile...}

"Alright I'll stay but can't stay long pap and gaster would get worried if they don't see me back at home..." He said walking up to Toriel his blush fading. She pushed the door open just enough for both of them to squeeze in, closing it behind her. He followed Toriel down a dark long hallway with a few turns. {creepy...} he thought they finally getting to a set of stairs going up. Toriel waved at him to come up after he hesitated for a second. He followed her up into a cozy looking home.

"Over here!" She whispered heading into that he guessed the living room, there was a big chair on one side next to a fireplace that was lit. On the side of the room where some tools for the fireplace but it looked like they been made kid safety. Between them was a big book shelf mostly of cook books and about snails. On the other side of the room was a big table with 3 chairs. "Stay here I'll get you something!" She ran into another room as he climbed up on the chair and rested his head on the arm of the chair. It was nice and soft, the fire next to him crackling softly making him fell sleepy. He struggled not to fall asleep but failed going into a warm slumber...

(p.s the chair idea is NOT mine exactly I've thought of it but it's from @zFabCakes or Lizzy Weir from her story tori X sans go check it out!)

He woke up expecting to be in his bed in the lab but instead he was in a comfy chair. He slept in Tories chair! He looked around spotting a clock that read 9:30am. (yes clock XD) Pap and gaster where probably looking for him! Oh he was in so much trouble!

"Good morning sleepy head." Said a calm but unfamiliar voice. He turned around and looked over the back of the chair seeing a tall goat woman that he guessed was her mom and Toriel beside her.

"Morning!" Toriel said calmly walking over to him. He noticed he was covered in a blanket

"I'm sorry Toriel I didn't mean-!" He started panicked.

"It's fine I did say you could stay over didn't I and it was the middle of the night, I kinda expected it!" She giggled making sans blush.

"PAP AND DAD!" He realized "I-I gotta go there probably worried about me..." He said backing up to the stairs, hopping of the chair.

"Please visit some time will you!?" Toriel asked holding him back with a sad expression

Sans nodded "I promise!" Then headed back outside teleporting back to Snowdin where pap and gaster where already looking for him

"SANS THERE YOU ARE!" Pap said tackling him to the ground.

"Hey pap!" He smiled hugging him. Gaster stood over both of them looking down at them mad. "Heh...hey dad..." He smiled innocently, waving a little scared.

Time skip (because you know what happens XD)

They went home, sans was grounded for disappearing into the blue. He was stuck in his and paps room in the inn and all he could think about was Toriel. He didn't hear his brother walk up beside him.


"Oh y-yea I'm fine just...thinking..." He said slightly blushing. He looked away embarrassed pulling up his hood.

"SANS ARE YOU OK YOUR ALL BLUE? ARE YOU SICK?!" Pap said worried checking his skull for a fever. There was none his skull turning more blue. "HMM...I'LL GO GET DAD! He ran off out of the room

"Pap noooo....." He mumbled hiding his face with his hood. Pap came back with gaster that had a slight grin on his face. He knelt beside me.

" like someone" he whispered into sans ear (hole?) with a mischievous grin

"SHUT UP DAD!" He yelled slightly muffled grabbing a pillow and hitting his face blindly. He stumbled back but still with a smile

"I can't believe my little sansy-"
"SHUT UP DAD!" He screamed covering his face with his hands. Papyrus looked confused

"HUH? SO HES OK?" Papyrus said looking up at gaster that was laughing hard

"Oh he's more than ok papyrus, he's in looovvvveeee" he winked at sans that just hid his face more "is that why you snuck out because you love someone."

((this is one version of gaster that I think would be him :3))

"GASTER YOUR SO GONNA PAY!" He yelled in his face

"And exactly how are you gonna-"

"I'll tell eeevvveeerrryyyooonnneee about your secret crush!" He said with a wide smile

"You wouldn't-" he said seriously

"Oh I would. EVERYONE would know! even herm-" he said with a wicked smile

"FINE! But at least tell me who it is."

"....h-her names T-Toriel..." He said shyly, looking away

ITS DONE! omg long chapter yeeessssss! I hope you like the little snobby gaster I put in there ;) but what will happen next will it crush your soul like every other fanfic or will it be fluff who knows?! XD but finally I wanted to do at least a thousand and I did 1111?! In 4-5 days! New record for me XD anyway see ya laters bye! And to lazy to go over my work and bold some stuff XD DONE! May edit all of these in the future but eh...don't count on it

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