Chapter 23- Disaster strikes

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It was a normal day... to them... they had breakfast, played games and napped, today tho gaster was at work so the three were alone at home. The three were on the couch sans sleeping leaning against toriel that was blushing slightly wrapping her arm around his shoulder papyrus sitting next to the two watching the tv happily when sanses phone starting to ring. he groaned slowly opening his eyes taking his phone out of his pocket clinking it to his skull "he-" he started freezing hearing alarms in the distant toriel and papyrus looking over at his stiff body "dad?! DAD!" he yelled jumping to his feet bolting

"SANS?!" toriel and sans yelled after him but he didn't hear him he dropping his phone heading to the core his breath coming in shallow gasps fear coursing though him hearing the sirens in the distant muffled but as they approached they got louder he slamming through the front doors quickly his mind barely thinking

What he saw was chaos but he ignored it bolting to where he new the source was, the core, he bolted shocked his eyes widening seeing his dad trying to fight the sucking force sucking him into his machine.

Sans panicked screaming running towards him "DAD!" He screamed, sans was able to see his dads face turn to him in shock before he lost his footing disappearing over the edge.

Sans felt his soul stop but it started back when he saw him holding onto the edge he rushing over reaching out as his grip slipped grabbing his arm trying to pull him back "DAD!" He yelled tears in his eyes "don't worry! I'll help you!" He said grabbing his arm with both hands trying to pull him up but it was no use Gaster looking at him sadly

"I'm sorry's too late.." Gaster mumbled his grip slipping snas panicking "don't let go!" He yelled tears in his eyes they streaming down his face "don't leave me!" He yelled Gaster sadly smiling "I'm sorry sans...." he said right as his grip slipped sans trying to grab him again but it was too late sans watching his dad fall into the core disappearing with a ear piercing crack.

"DAAAAAADDD!" He sobbed about to jump after him when he felt arms grab him around the waist pulling him away from the edge he thrashing trying to get out of the grip "DDDAAAAADDDDD!" He yelled even if there was no point sobbing as gentle hands surrounded him "shhh sans calm down, we got to get out of here this place is coming down." A sweat voice behind her said the ceiling crumbling in on itself sans pulling away from her to the controls "NO I CAN SAVE IT!" He yelled starting to type things in "SANS!" She yelled dragging him away right as rocks rained down on the spot but he had enough time to stable the machine the place slowly calming down toriel and the other two sans sitting a little away from the other two looking at the machine steady tears running down his face he looking back at the others to see them crying to toriel slowly picking up papyrus holding her hand out to sans "come on, we should g-get out of h-here before the place caves in." She mumbled sans hesitating before nodding getting up taking her hand trembling beside her as they slowly left the room sans looking back one last time at the machine before it disappeared.


When they got back to the lab that was part of the core but luckily didn't get hurt with their room the three grieving sans hugging toriel that hugged papyrus in her lap. The three were torn in different directions, sans wasn't taking it good but at least he wasn't sobbing anymore...

--------------(time skip)--------------

Over the next few days none of them were like themself. Toriel tried to help everyone and keep them happy but even her puns won't break a smile onto sans papyrus smiled a little but didn't laugh
Papyrus had been focusing on his brother trying to break him out if his trance he seemed to be in but it never worked and he was really getting worried
Sans however is a different story, he couldn't move, he couldn't think or eat, he just was curled up on the couch or in his room thinking to himself, he cracked a joke or two to try to reassure them he was fine but they were not buying it at all.

Toriel finally started to think that some fresh air would be nice "come on guys, lets go outside and get some fresh air!" She said determined to help herself and the two papyrus perking up at the idea he by sanses side trying to help him sans having his faded look staring off into nothing until papyrus nudged him "hm? Oh huh? Sure it will be a cracking time." He said his soft laughter fading he looking into no were again the joke not making to much since toriel sighting sitting him up kissing his forehead that snapped him out if his thoughts immediately blushing lightly

Toriel giggled gently dragging him off the couch with her own blush "come on!" She said heading outside sans for once trying to block out the memories smiling holding toriels hand tightly knowing he's been so in himself that he needed some air. They walked, talked and explored until they got to Snowden looking around sans sighing memories coming back tho his eyes dulling leaning against toriel that hugged him tight in reassurance sans relaxing into her touch they heading to the forest sitting down talking and relaxing before toriel got up "I have to get something real quick I'll be right back." She said getting up disappearing into the forest "see ya Tori!" He called leaning against a tree talking with papyrus for a while.

After a good 30 Minutes he started to get worried but papyrus calmed him down enough to get it out if his mind for now

An hour doing by and he was panicking papyrus worried to but pap tried to calm him down the best he could knowing the underground was big and took time to cross

After two hours he couldn't do it anymore getting up without a word and bolting into the direction toriel went his mind racing not even hearing his name being called behind him.

He ran following the faint foot prints lucky that it wasn't snowing they leading to a mass of feet and such he couldn't make out but he could see a torn piece of toriels dress rapidly looking around seeing a
Path following it it not even footprints until he found something that made his insides die inside...

Dust littered the area, so much that it was so hard to breath and signs of an epic fight, until...,, the thing in the center of the room got his attention it toriels dress.... oh god.... he felt like he was gonna be sick shaking hard papyrus skirting up behind him about to yell at him before seeing the area around and the... dress.... he was in shock sans falling to his knees shaking hard hugging himself papyrus coming gently placing a hand on his shoulder rubbing his back, they stayed like that for a bit before sans slowly approached the area gently picking toriels dress up hugging it close before walking back and past papyrus head bowed papyrus slowly following him head low and soul broke it hurting so bad.

--------------(time skip)--------------

When they got home sans went into his room hugging the dress close his eyes dull feeling nothing but sadness anymore papyrus slowly coming offering him something to eat but sans just said no unable to eat right now or ever just curling up on his room wanting to stay in here for the rest of his life....

After a while sans started to come back out just to rummage in the fridge hungrily eat some bread and a bottle of ketchup to keep him alive before disappearing back into his room he doing this mostly during the night papyrus trying to catch him but he just disappears and doesn't come back for a while.

It was worrying.... something happened one day that changed the two and a lot of their memories

It was strange but.... who knows who did it... only we know...

MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!! Well everyone this is the end.
Or is it? I'll be making the next book very soon called begin again (i believe I'll change it if not)
Thank you all for supporting this story so much!

This is the end, BYE!

I will still have shorts tho maybe in another another book or in this one idk yet

Word Count: 1478

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