Chapter 22-resets?

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The first thing sans felt was pain he withering, he was laying on the couch with a blanket over him bandages covering more of his skull feeling something fluffy rubbing his skull and healing him trying to help with the pain and the crack that was running through his skull toriel seeing his twitching and hearing the soft whimper sans let out

"I know sans don't worry i'm right here" she said worried the other two looking over when she talked papyrus having a extremely worried look while gaster had a worried and guilty look hiding his face back in his hands papyrus rubbing his back. He's been like that for the last day sans has been out cold knowing this was all his fault.

Sans slowly opened his eyes toriel flashing past his blurry vision she coming back when he blinked... or... Did he? She helping him take some pain medicine letting him drink the water with it before leaving him going back to petting his skull "are you ok...?" toriel asked sans grunting ye♋︎h...✋︎ t♒︎♓︎nk s□︎....." (Yeah I think so) He mumbled his voice crocky toriel shocked but just most of what he was saying "good...." she said happily glad he at least felt ok enough to say he was ok thinking "what happened?" she asked he trying to remember back "f♏︎a❒︎.... F♏︎ll..." (Fear... fall...) toriel gulped petting his head "do you remember us?" she asked. That caught sans off guard looking up at her shocked "o♐︎ c□︎ur⬧︎e!" (of course!) he said in almost shock toriel smiling glad at that "how much?" she asked sans looking at her still in shock "⬧︎in♍︎e w♏︎ w♏︎r♏︎e ma♎︎♏︎! A□︎d y□︎u... w♏︎r♏︎ ado◻︎⧫︎e♎︎....." (Since we were made! and you.... were adopted....) he said that making gasters head snap his direction walking over quickly. "You remember everything?!" he asked gripping his shoulders he scared nodding he sighing "at least one good thing came from this..." he said sighing petting his skull gently sans relaxing.

They stayed like that for a while silent before sans drifted off soft snores coming from him gaster and toriel sharing a nice look before toriel pick him laying him down in his bed letting him rest.

--------------(Time skkkkiipppp)--------------

After a few days sans had been feeling better and his voice going back to normal, this time tho they forced him to stay in bed until his skull was fully healed that taking a lot of healing items and magic until it was good, you could still see a few cracks but at least he didn't need the bandage anymore.

Today was just like any other, chatting, puns and a little bit of boredom but it was better than most days. Sans was sitting outside the lab staring off into nothing just thinking of what happened when he got crushed. He new he was crushed and he knew it was in the ruins but didn't know much more than that slowly getting up looking behind him.

The other two were inside playing together, so he didn't need to be worried about them following him before teleporting off to the ruins where they were first attacked at least looking around still seeing how it was torn up, huffing starting to walk to the next room when he heard a voice, and it didn't sound happy.

"Hey buddy..." a voice huffed behind him he turning around. So..... it was a flower.... So he wasn't crazy. "Hey, weed." he growling turning around the two glaring at each other "you're the one that hurt me huh?" he asked the flower snarling

"So what? What you gonna do about it..." flowey huffed sans growling two blasters appearing behind him "finish you off... so you can't hurt anyone else." he growled about to fire them when vines swamped and crushed the skulls they falling to dust

"You really think you can defeat me?" he snarled chucking more vines coming from the ground he dodging as two tried to slam into him "you're faster than before" he chuckled sans cutting some of the vines with bones while charging two more gaster blasters firing them at flowey but he disappeared appearing behind sans that spun to meet two vines surrounding him he summoning more bones cutting the vines away from him able to scramble free blasting another set with his blaster that tried to surround him again he snarling flowey glowing blue as he was yanked from the ground.

Sans smiled blasting him to dust before flowey could say or do anything, he breathing hard before hearing gaster suddenly he turning around with a soft smile that turned into shock as everything started to pixelate off. He saw his dad's face with papyrus turn into worry before they disappeared.

It didn't last long he suddenly just waking up shooting upwards in his bed eye glowing blue. It faded he looking around confused and in shock. 'Did I pass out?' he asked himself confused papyrus rocketing into his room like he did when he woke up this morning smiling at him "Morning sans!! You're going to be able to walk around now!" he said happily he just staring at him 'he said that this-' his thoughts were cut off by toriel coming into his room "hello sleepy bone! How are you feeling?" she asked worriedly healing his skull sans not saying anything confused looking away "sans?" she asked sans sighing shaking his head "nothin, must of just been a dream." he said putting on a smile the two worried toriel brushing it off as nothing "well gasters letting you finally out of bed and can walk around! Just don't go far." she said worriedly sans nodded his focus somewhere else "thanks toriel" he said getting up heading out of the room and out of the lab looking around 'everything's the same' he thought worriedly sitting down shifting worriedly toriel following him sitting next to him "something wrong, you didn't look good" she asked worriedly sans shaking his head snapping out of his thoughts "i'm fine I just felt like i've done this morning already... it's strange..." he said toriel hugging him "well, I don't remember anything so maybe it was just a dream." he said sans nodding "yeah..." he mumbled "i'm gonna take a walk, clear my head" he said standing up starting to walk off

"Alright! Just be careful!" toriel called after him he turning a corner teleporting back to the beginning looking around eyes narrowed seeing no sign of a fight, maybe it was part of his imagination. He turned to leave looking behind him one more time before disappearing into the darkness flowey peeking from his hiding spot with a snarl "trash bag" he growled disappearing into the ground, fighting him again was pointless... he would have to catch him by surprise.... Again....

Hey guys!.... ok here's the thing, I'm gonna start and try to continue the relationship a bit more and such, but I also want to make a sequel so.... this story except for shorts I might make once I'm done with it is coming to a close

I will start re-writing the chapters soon but I just wanted to give y'all a heads up, I'm just starting to run out of ideas and want to continue it to when they are grown,

THIS WILL HAVE A END!! Ish, I might just make shorts of times I didn't write about.

Anyway just wanted to tell you all that, anyway red out BYE!!

Word count: 1266

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