Chapter 6- fluff....or is it

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I tried to draw the picture above XD I'm not good with pens and my wattpad decided to delete my first few paragraphs so I just summarized it sorry you'll know when it changes to good writing.

Sans woke up in Toriels room, everyone had seemed to have left from last time he was up. Everytime he woke up his bones seemed less sore than the last.

He gently sat up seeing a peace of butterscotch cinnamon pie on the dresser beside the bed. He smiled taking the pie and eating it, feeling slightly better he placed the plate back on the dresser and exited the room quietly

He peeked around the corner to the living room where he saw lyriel as always in her perfect size chair and Toriel in her lap sleeping. He smiled happy to know Toriel was getting some rest.

He looked up at lyriel nocking on the wall twice to get her attention. She looked up from her book and smiled "ah sans you are awake! Shouldn't you be resting?" She whispered not wanting to wake Toriel.  

Sans shook his head "na I feel better thanks lyriel." He whispered back approaching the two "what you reading?" He tilted his head curiously

"Oh! I'm reading 101 snail recipes! Would you like to hear one!" He nodded and she scooped him up, carful not to disturb Toriel, and sat him in her lab as she started to show him some of the snail recipes that didn't look to appetizing to him. He didn't realize he started to daydream about Toriel looking over to her. 'She's cute when she's sleeping' he thought slightly blushing a light blue. Toriel gently started to wake up opening one of her eyes and was surprised to see sans.

"Sans?" She mumbled opening both eyes. He seemed to be in a trance looking at Toriel with a slight blush, making Toriel blush slightly to

He shook his head hearing Toriels voice. "Oh hey tori." He whispered, grinning.

"Hey sans, feelin any better?" She asked worried "I-...I didn't know about your low hp...why is told me hp is you not have hope..." She gently took his hand.

6 HP 4 DF 1 AT
A lazy skeleton that has been though more than you know.
Warning: very punny

10 HP 7 DF 12 AT
A kinda goat that wants to help!
Knows a lot more than others
Warning: also very punny

He looked away "I-I have hope yes...a-..a lot has just happened..that's all..." He mumbled looking down. Lyriel hugged both of them closer nuzzling the top of sans head.

"Hush my friend everything is ok now the past is just bad memory's that want to pull you down." She whispered hugging the two tighter. She started to hum a soothing toon making both off them sleepy.

She sat down her book on her lap and hugged the two close the two slowly starting to fall asleep. Lyriel picked the two up carefully and brought them into Toriels room and laid them down on her bed. She pulled a blanket over them, she started to leave the room but she turned back her paw over the light switch to see the two cuddled together in there sleep. She smiled a knowing smile, flicking off the lights and gently closing the door.


Toriel pov (😉)

Toriel woke up to a small sleeping skele cuddling into her soft fur. She giggled quietly trying to untie herself from him.

"No go." Sans mumbled in his sleep hugging tighter to Toriel.

"Alright sleepy bones" she gently picked sans up in her arms and got out of bed heading towards the living room.

"Hello my buttercup! Oh and hello sleepy bones." Lyriel greeted the two as they interred the room, she was sitting in her chair reading a book.

"Hey mom! Sans won't let go of me." She giggled as sans hugged her slightly tighter, she could tell he was trying to hold back a smile, he was also slightly blushing blue. "Alright punny bone let go." She said slightly tugging him off. He groaned but let go opening one of his eye sockets with that smile of his. 

He yawned "mornin tori." He mumbled finding his footing as Toriel gently set him down.

She shook her head with a smile "morning sleepy bones, gasters coming over today. He said y'all needed to talk."


"Speek of the monster I'll see you later sans!" She said running out the room with lyriel but she secretly listened.

(Sans pov)

(? shrugs* don't know if I need this but ok)

"Sans we need to talk." He said looking at him strictly.

"Sure. What about." He said looking up at him "if it's about me going alone at night into a place I don't know well I know I won't-"


"..then..what about?" He said slightly scared.

"You can't come back here..." Gaster said slightly looking away

"WHAT?!? weren't you just trying to-" he stopped him putting a hand up that from him meant to stay quiet...or else.

"Come your brother is waiting.." He said with slight regret in his voice but..he new it was for the best. He started to head towards the stairs and looked back to see a startled sans tears pricking his eyes. He shook his head slightly backing up and looked at where Toriel was looking at the two startled in the door way tears in her eyes. There eyes met for a second before sans looked away walking after his father slowly. He could feel Toriels gaze follow him as he left the ruins.
WELL AN'T THAT A TWIST! What will happen now that sans can't see Toriel.

Mettaton: Love torn apart by faith!

Mettaton shut up no one cared about they play you did. YOU NOT EVEN ALIVE YET!!! Or are you a baby ghost?...IDK anyway next chapter woot woot sorry it's kinda short but I will hopefully get the next LONG part out! Anyway


Words (before description) 951 (ONLY 49 :,( XD)

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