Chapter 5- Rescue

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(Toriel pov)

"SANS! SANS ARE YOU OK!" Toriel rushed over to sans that was laying to still on the ground. She felt tears stream down her face as she gently picked up sans small, fragile body and hugged him gently. Papyrus came beside her tears streaming down his face to.

"This is all my falt..." Papyrus whispered to himself shaking hard.

"It's not your falt pap..." Toriel said looking down at sans. They noticed that sans ribs where slightly moving up and down, he was alive. "H-he's alive, thank god...." Toriel whispered gently picking sans up, he looked so small in her arms. "Come on my mom will be able to help!" Toriel said started to head back towards her house.

*time skip because traveling back and nothing happens really XD* 

(Sans pov)

Sans woke up a few days later, everything hurt and he felt something fluffy on top of him. He groaned hearing voices that he couldn't understand but one caught him, his dad, gaster.

Slowly he started to catch what they where saying and gently opened an eye socket, it was dark, probably night or they just turned off the light, he seemed to be in what he guessed was Toriels room.

The door to the room slightly cracked open and a small fluffy goat entered and headed beside the bed, she looked worried but happy at the same time.

"Sans your awake!" She whispered hugging sans causing him to flinch, she let go. "Sorry just I thought you were gonna..." She trailed off clasping her hand with his making them both blush.

"I-is..pap alright..." His voice sounded horse and weak, probably from not using in and how hurt he was. She lightly smiled

"He is alright but..keeps saying this is all his's really mine..I should of stopped y'all before-"

"Tori this isn't anyone's falt and nothing bad came from all this..I'm still alive!" He said trying to cheer Toriel up. She yawned making Sans realizing how late it must be. He looked for a clock but it was to dark to read. "Tori what time is it?"

She rubbed her eye "12:45pm last I checked..." She said sans also noticed the light bags under her eyes, she must of been worried. His grip tightened on Toriels hand "Tori you need some rest."

"*yawn* maybe..heh, yea but I wanted to make sure you where ok, I'll leave you to rest the-" she said starting to leave regretfully, she didn't want to go but wouldn't show it.

Sans grabbed her sleeve to her nightgown making them both blush more. "D-..don't go..." He mumbled his face blue. She smiled snuggling in bed with him. "W-wa- I d-didn't..." He stumbled shyly, not expecting Toriel to do what she did. She snuggled beside him, hugging him both of them blushing hard. After a few minuets of hesitation sans snuggled into her soft fur. 'Man she's warn' he thought them both falling to sleep.


When he woke up Toriel was gone and his bones still ached. He could see small cracks running down some of his bones. He closed his eyes and sighed.

"B-brother...." Sans opened one of his eye sockets to see a distressed papyrus, he was slightly shaking and quieter than usual. He seemed to cheer up quite a bit when he saw sans was awake "BROTHER!" Papyrus ran over to sans and hugged him tears in his eyes. "I-I WAS SO WORRIED B-BROTHER I THOUGHT YOU W-WERE GONNA D-DIE!!"

"H-hey bro! You should know me, I won't leave you bro...not that easily." He weakly said, sitting up, shaking slightly. Papyrus gently pushed him back down on the bed.

"NO! YOU NEED TO REST, I'LL GO GET GASTER AND LYRIEL! YOU PROBABLY NEED SOMETHING TO EAT!" He ran out the room in a hurry calling for the others.

Sans sighed sitting back up noticing how light headed he was. He put a hand on his head "how long was I out" mumbled looking around. He was hungry somehow even tho he's a skeleton they still needed to eat.

"SAAAAAAANNNNNNSSSSS!!!" 'Oh boy' he thought 'there's gaster'

He kicked the door open looking worried instead what he expected. He expected his dad would be mad at him but he wasn't.

"Sans I was worried!" He walked over to the side of the bed inspecting him up and down, papyrus was right behind him

"DONT KILL HIM DAD!"papyrus said pulling on his suit/lab coat. Gaster didn't say anything he just kept looking for wounds, when he was happy he looked up at sans and lifted him off the bed.

"Don't you ever do that again." He said sounding angry and worried as he said down on the bed. He looked at sans straight in the eye his purple eye glowing "who did this to you? Because once I find them, there gonna have one hell of a bad time." He growled

He tried to think back to when he was attacked but it was a fuzzy and gave him a migraine. He shook his head "I-...I can't remember...its to fuzzy..." He mumbled trying to clear his head. He felt his heavy eyes start to close again and he yawned, it felt like he was a little kid again, in his fathers arms.

He started to drift off when he herd two started voices.


But he was already asleep.

UGH I RAN OUT OF IDEAS XD for now at least ;) I hope you like this chapter and sorry it's so short 100 words but still. If you have any ideas for chapters let me know and I may use them in the near future! And pov's are NOT going to come often in this because I want it to be different but I did add that small part. Hope y'all like and I'll see ya next time BYYYYYYY
Word count: 919 (before description)
P.s someone's gonna have a bad time
And someone broke the forth wall in the last chapter ;)
Now -RED OUT!!

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