Chapter 5.5- flowey

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"W♒♏■ ♋●● ♒□◻♏ ♓s ●□s⧫ ♋■♎ □■♏ ⧫♒♋⧫ ♋●❍□s⧫ ♐♋●●s📪 □■♏ w♓●● ♍□❍♏ w♓⧫♒ ♐●♋❍♏s ♐❒□❍ ♒♏❒ ♒♏♋❒⧫📬✌■♎ ♋●● □♐ ⧫♒♓m ♓f ⧫❒◆♏ ♌♏♍♋◆l♏ ♓⧫ ❒⍓❍♏s" (I tried XD)

"Howdy I'm flowey! Flowey the flower, hm who are you?." He asked sweetly

"I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS AND THIS IS MY BROTHER SANS." Papyrus said starting to approach the plant but sans stopped him with black eyes hearing the voice. "SANS?" He asked worried

Sans started to back up with pap not trusting the flower in the slightest. The flowers face morphed into a creepy grin, he laughed evilly.

"You know what going on here don't you." Vines surrounded the entrance, there was no escape. Both sans and papyrus looked terrified. Vines surrounded the two trying to capture them both. Sans pushed papyrus out of the way behind the pillars that surrounded the area as vines swarmed around him squeezing him hard.

"AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH and you may be wondering "oh flowey your not supposed to be here!" Idiots I'm not Asriel I'm the REAL flowey AHAHAHAHHA!!" Flowey said evilly the other two looking confused and scared. "Now to finish you off!" He crackled squeezing sans harder.

"Pap *gasp* run!" Sans struggled feeling his bones start to crack and his vision starting to go black. 'This is it...' He thought.

"Ahhahahaha get ready to-! Agh!" he saw a flash off red on the corner of his vision as the vines let go of him dropping him to the floor. His vision swirled hearing voices that he couldn't understand anymore, he felt himself being picked up before everything went black.

MUHAHAHAH CLIFF HANGER MUAHHAHAHAHAHHA XD anyway next chapter should be done today tho so you don't have to wait long ;)

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