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I logged off Skype and walked downstairs. "HEY! YOUR PINK HAIRED FRIENDS ARE COMING OVER!" I yelled. "OK!" Sky yelled back. I laughed. Ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door. "WHO IS IT?!" I yelled. "IT"S THE PRANKING QUEEN!!" Al yelled back. "COME IN!!" I yelled. They all walked in. The guys were all wearing hoods and hats. I smirked. "Can I see your guys hair?" I asked. They all sighed and took off there hoods and hats. I burst out laughing when I saw them. "YOU GUYS ARE BOODEFUL!!" I yelled. I walked into the living room. When the guys all saw eachother, they all started laughing. "Nice hair, Ty!" Bodil said. Everyone laughed except Ty. "Shut up.." He said. I looked at Al. "Your. a. genius." I said. She laughed. "Tell me something I don't know!" She said. We all joked around for awhile. Then my phone rang. I answered my phone. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey! It's Tyler." My heart skipped a beat. "Oh! Hey Tyler!" I said. I saw the look on Al face, she was smirking. "How are you doing?" He asked. "I'm doing good. how about you?" I said. "Pretty good.. Um.. C-can I ask you a q-question..?" He asked. He sound nervous. I looked around the room, everyone was staring at me. I got up and walked out of the room. "Sure, Tyler!" I asked. He sighed. "I was wondering if you wanted to.. gotostarbuckswithme?" He said, saying the last part fast. I laughed. "Come on, Tyler! Tell me!" I said. He gulped. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to.. s-starbucks with m-me..?" I was shocked. "Y-You mean.. like a.. date..?" I asked. I could tell he was blushing, 'cause I was too. "I-If you wanna call it a d-date. then I guess it's a d-date." He said. I smiled. "Ok! What time are you gonna pick me up at..?" I asked. "Oh! Um.. 3:00." I looked at the time, it was 1:00. "Ok!" I started to walk back to the living room. "So, It's a date?" He asked. I walked into the living room, smiling. "It's a date!" I said. "Ok! Bye! See you later!" he said. "Bye!" I said and ended the call. I looked up and everyone was staring at me. "Oh shit!" I thought. "I said 'It's a date' as I walked in here! And they know I was talking to Tyler! Ok! Play it cool!" I looked at them. "Hey guys! What did I miss..?" I asked. Ashley looked at me. "Oh! You didn't miss anything! But we all sure missed your plans with Tyler~!" She said. I blushed and looked at my feet. "I-it's not like t-that!" I  stuttered. "Oh really? 'Cause we heard 'It's a date!' So, when's your date?" Jerome asked. I blushed even more. I was gonna try and argue, but I gave in. "It's at 3:00..." I said, quietly. I then heard two people gasped. I knew who they were. "OMFG!! WE HAVE TO GET YOU DRESSED UP!!" Ash said, grabbing my arm and pulling me upstairs. Al was right behind her. "HALP!! HAAALLLLPPPP!!!! THEY WILL KILL ME WITH MAKE-UP!!" I yelled. The guys laughed. "YOU NEED TO LOOK PRETTY FOR TYLER~!!!" Mitch yelled. "YOU GUYS SUCK!!" I yelled as they pulled me into my room. I heard them laughing from my room. I looked at them. "Oh don't worry, Maxy-pooh!" We won't make you look like a clown!" Al said. I sighed. "Good!" I said. "Now, were going shopping!!" Ash said. I looked at them. "NO! I HATE SHOPPING!" I said. "Pwease!! For me..?" Al said. I sighed. "Fine.. but no dresses!" I said. They squealed. "OKAY!" They said together. We walked downstairs. The guys were watching hockey. I laughed. "Wow! You guys are actually watching hockey!" I said. They all looked at me. Mitch smiled. "It was hard, but me and Husky got them to watch it!" I smiled. "Yeah! CanadianFTW!" I said. "Wait.. your Canadian..?" Ash asked. I nodded. "Yup! Full French-Canadian!" Sky looked at me. "So, what are you guys gonna do..?" he asked. I sighed. "Were going SHOPPING!" Al said, happily. "Poor Max.." I heard Jason whisper to Husky. "Let's go! I can't wait to buy all the pretty clothes!!" I said jumping up and down. Everyone looked at me confused. "What are you girls waiting for?! They is a sale a forever 21! A SALE!! Let's go!" I said, squealing. I grabbed there arms and ran to the door. "What the fuck just happened..?!" I heard Seto say. We walked outside and to the car. I turned to them. "You know I was just pretending.. right?" I asked. Al laughed. "Of course! You hate shopping! Come on! Let's go!" We got into the car and drove to the mall. When we got there, we got out of the car. "....Yay..." I said. Ash smiled. "Come on! You might like it!" I sighed. "Maybe.." We walked inside and to this very fancy store. "Polyvore..? I thought this was a website!" I said. Al turned to me. "They made it into a store! Cool, huh?" I smiled. "Yeah!"  We walked inside and they went straight towards an outfit. "MAX! TRY THIS ON!" Al yelled and passed me an outfit. (This is the outfit: I walked out of the dressing room and they gasped. "OMG! You look hot!" Ash said. I smiled. "I don't know.." Al said. Then this women came up to us. "Hello! My name is Carly! Do you need any help?" She asked. Ash looked at me and smiled. "Actually, yes! My friend over here is going on a date with her crush!" She said. I blushed. "Oh! That is so cute! What are your guys names?" "I'm Ashley!" "I'm Ally!" "And I'm Max!!" The girl froze. "Y-Your Ashleymarieegaming, your AllyalwaysMC!! A-And your... Endie_Lover! OMG! YOUR GOING ON A DATE WITH TYLER!! Aren't you?!" I blushed. "Maybe..." I said, blushing even more. "OMG! BEST DAY EVER! I get to pick an outfit for the girl in my OTP!!" She said that and covered her mouth. I smiled. "Well, do you know an outfit I can wear? Were going to starbucks." She looked at me. "I got it!!" She said and ran off to grab an outfit. She came back and handed me an outfit. I went back and changed into it. (Outfit: I walked out and Al looked at me. "I love it!"  "Hm.. it looks like something Al would wear.." Ash said. Carly nodded. "Yeah.. anyways, when is your date?" She asked. "3:00.." I said. She nodded. Carly handed me another outfit. (Outfit: I walked out. They all gasped. "it looks awesome!" Car said. I shrugged. "What's the matter?" Ash asked. I sighed. "I was looking for something a little more.." I trailed off. "More girlyer?" Al asked. I nodded. Car smiled. "No problem!" She walked away. 5 minutes later, she came back. "Here! This is perfect!" She said. I went and put on the outfit. (Outfit: I gasped. I loved it! I walked out and they loved it too. "Ok.. I want this one!" I said. They agreed. "Now.. Make-up!" Ash said. I groaned. Car laughed. "Well, good luck!" She said. We all gave her our Skype's and phone number. After we paid, we started walking to the make-up store. "This will be fun!!" Al said. "Oh yeah! So fun!" I said. We walked inside and they walked right up to someone that worked there. "Hello! Can you help us?" She turned around. "Oh! Hello! How can I help you?" She asked. Al turned to me. "What make-up would match her.." She said pointing to me. "Or this outfit.." she pulled out the outfit. "Hmm.. come with me.. " She walked over to the make-up and picked me some stuff. I got mascara, black eyeliner, light pink eye shadow and some light pink lip gloss. "Thank you!" I said. She smiled. "No worries!" We paid and walk back to the car. I checked the time and it was 2:30. "Guys! We got to go!" I said. We ran to the car and drove home. When we got home, we ran inside. "We're home, bitches!" I yelled. We walked into the living room, just to see them watching TV.  "We're done! It took awhile.. but were done!' I said. "Did you have fun?" Mitch asked. "Oh Yay! 'Cause going threw a good 5 outfits then make-up is soo much fun!" Mitch laughed. "Come on, Max! You have to go and change!" I sighed and walked upstairs. I changed into my outfit and they put my make-up on. I decide to straighten my hair. After that, it was 2:55. "Ok! Let's go downstairs!" Ash said. I walked downstairs and all eyes went on me. Everyone went quiet. "You look beautiful, Max." Ty said. The rest of the guys agreed. I blushed. "Thank you! But I didn't pick out my outfit! Carly did." I said. "Who's Carly?" Jerome asked. "She was a girl that worked there and was a fan." I said. I looked over at Al, just to see her taking a picture of me. "I never seen you this beautiful!" She said, fake crying. I laughed. "Well, thank you!" Then there was a knock on the door. I was about to go and answer it until Al ran to the door. I heard the door open. "Hey Tyler! Your girlfriend will be here in a minute!" I blushed. "She's not my girlfriend!" Tyler said. "Sure.. MAX! COME SEE YOUR BOYFRIEND!!" She yelled. I sighed and walked to the door. He looked handsome! "Wow! Max you look beautiful!" I blushed. "Thank you! You look pretty handsome yourself!" He laughed. "Shall we go?" I smiled. "We shall!" "Have fun!!" Ash yelled. "BUT NOT TO MUCH FUN!!!" Sky yelled. I laughed. We walked to his car and I got in. "Well.. let's go on a date with Munchingbrotato!" I thought.

((Yay!! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. If you did, slap dat vote button with your little kipper flipper! And you can be in the story! All you need to do is fill this out:






Best guy friend(I wrote that 'cause you'll be best friends with the girls):

Anything else I should know:

Ok! You can pick any MC youtuber! I also picked who All will like! I picked... *drumroll* JORDAN!! CAPTAIN FREAKIN SPARKLEZ!! YAY!! Ok! Good-bye my good looking gamers! Peace out!))

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