The plan.

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Mitch's POV

After we got everything ready, we started the plan. It is risking, but it'll work. Everyone left but Ryan and matt. They were staying over for the night. I was in the kitchen, setting up the last part of the plan. The camera. I heard someone coming in the kitchen. I stopped what I was doing and started the recording quickly. I saw Ryan walked into the kitchen. "Oh.. your here." He said. "Well, hello to you too!" I said. "Max loves me, you know." I said. He chuckled. "Oh Mitch! She is just acting! Not actually in love with you!" He said. "How would you know?" I said. "Because she was around me more today." He said. "Maybe because your an old friend?" I said. "Sure.. but soon she will not be a friend. But my girlfriend! She loves me, Mitch." He said. "Prove it." I said. He walked closer to me and grabbed me by my shirt. he lifted me up and slammed me against the wall.  "She loves me. She always has." He said. "Y-Your lying!" I said. He lifted his fist up and punched me across the face. He dropped me on the ground then kicked me. "You wish I was lying." He said as he walked away. I slowly grabbed the camera and stopped recording. I smirked. "Got all the proof I need.." I thought.

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