Meeting new friends!

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Time must of went by fast because someone knocked on the door. "I GOT IT!!!" I yelled. I ran to the door and opened it. When I opened it, I saw Matt and three girls. One of them had brown hair, another had blonde hair, the last one had black hair with one pink highlight and one white highlight. "Why does she look so familiar..?" I thought. When she saw me, her eyes widened. "It's you! You were the girl that was crying at Starbucks!" She said as she pointed at me. I gasped. "You were the girl that asked me if I was okay!" I said. "Why were you crying at Starbucks?!" Matt asked. "I'll tell you later, I'm Max!" I said. The girl with black hair smiled. "I'm Carmen, That's Emma" She said pointing to the blonde girl. "And that's Avery!" She pointed at the brunette. "I see you already met Matt!" I said. Carmen nodded. "You guys are here for Ashley, right?" I asked. They all nodded. "Got it! ASHLEY! GET THE FUCK OVER HERE!!!!" said. "FINE!!!" She yelled back. She came downstairs. "What do you wa- CARMEN! AVERY! EMMA!" She said as she ran up and hugged them. "IT"S BEEN TO LONG!" Emma said. Ash turned to me. "I see you've already met them." I nodded. "Come on! You guys have to met the rest of the guys!" Ash said. They started to walk upstairs. I stopped Matt. "You know why I was crying at Starbucks? I was on a date with Tyler and I told him why I liked Lapis so much!" I said. "Oh, you told him why you lik- WAIT A MINUTE! YOU WENT ON A DATE WITH TYLER?!?!" Matt said. I nodded. He grinned. "Aw! Now, let's go see the rest!" We walked into the living room. Carmen was talking to Mitch and Avery was talking to Jason, while Emma was talking to Ally. "Hey!" I said. Everyone looked over at us. "Hey Matt!" Sky said. (Matt and Sky are gonna be good friends) "Sup?" Matt said. "This is Matt. Matt, you know who everyone here is.. right?" I said. he nodded. "Of course I know who they are! I'm friends with you, aren't I?"  We sat down and everyone got to know each other. "Favorite hobby?" Seto asked. "Drawing." Emma said. "Swimming!" Avery said. "I'd have to say playing video games or listening to music." Carmen said. "Griefing Minecraft servers!" Matt said. "Oh god! No wonder you and Max are best friends!" Sky said. I laughed. "Yup! Do you know how many server me, Matt and Ally broke?" I said. Matt and Ally laughed. "Probably over 1000!" Al said. Matt nodded. I looked around the room. Everyone was laughing, talking and having fun, just like a family. I looked over at Tyler and smiled. He smiled back at me and mouthed "Should we tell them?" I nodded. Then he mouthed "How?" I smiled and mouthed "Like this!" I got up and walked over to Tyler. He was just staring at me, probably thinking "What are you doing?!" I then sat down, right in his lap. I look at him and he was smiling at me. "Do you think they'll get the hint?" He whispered to me. "If they don't, we can just tell them." I whispered back. I looked back at the group and half of them are staring at us. "...Perfect..." I thought. I smiled. "Um.. what are you doing, Max..?" Bodil asked. Now everyone turned to look at me. I smiled. "What?! Can't a girl sit on her boyfriends lap?!" I said, grinning. The look on everyone's face was priceless! "What..? Can't I sit with my girlfriend?" Tyler asked. He wrapped his arms around me. "WAIT A GOD DANM MINUTE!" Al said. "WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!" I smiled. "Well, After we left Starbucks we went to the park and watched the sunset, he asked me then!" I said. "AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME!?" She yelled. I shrugged. "Nah, Didn't think it was important." "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! YOU'VE HAD A CRUSH ON THIS GUY FOR HOW LONG?!" I blushed. "I-I don't know..." I said. She looked at me and smirked. "I know! Ever seen you were..15.." She said. I hid my face in my hands. "Is that true, Max?" Tyler asked. I nodded. "Well, I like you from the moment I saw you." I blushed. "I knew it!" Matt said. I looked over at him. "I just told you that I went on a date with him! How the fuck did you know?!" I asked. He smirked. "Oh come on! Your beautiful! Who wouldn't love you?" I smiled. "Thank you, Matt!" I said as I got up and hugged him. He smiled. "Hey, What are best friends for? If it wasn't for you, my life would be boring!" "I'M STILL MAD AT YOU!" Al said. I laughed. "Oh, Come on! It was a day ago!" She crossed her arms. "..Fine.. I can't stay mad at you!" She said, smiling. I grinned. "Of course you can't! I mean come on! Look at me!" I said as I did a pose. Everyone laughed. "I'm happy for you two!" Carmen said. Emma gasped. "What's the matter, Emma?" I asked. She started grinning like a mad man. "OMG! ENDTATO IS CANON!" She yelled. After she said that her eyes widened and her covered her mouth with her hand. "...Opps..." I looked at her for a minute. "That's a ship!?" I asked. She grinned and nodded. "Wow! We made like what.. 5 video together and people think were perfect for each other.." I said. Tyler smiled "...Which we are.." I blushed. "Now.. how many people ship that..?" I asked. Emma grinned. "I don't know the total number...but.. I made a chibi picture of you two and it got over 1000 notes~!" She said. I smiled. "I guess people like us together...."

((YAY! Endtato is finally canon! XD Anyways, I loved writing this chapter so, I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, Slap dat vote button with your little kipper flipper and May Endtato live on! Peace out!))

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