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Max's POV

I walked to the house. When I walked inside, I heard no noise. I sighed. No one was in the kitchen. I heard movement in the living room. I began to walk towards it. When I walked inside, all of my friends jumped out. "SURPRISE!" They all yelled. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAX!" They added. I began to cry tears of joy. All of Team crafted, The Creatures, TBNRFrags, Logdotzip, Kermintplayzminecraft, Captainsparklz, Mr360games and all my friends were here! I smiled. Ally ran up and hugged me. "I'm sorry about earlier.." She said. "It's alright.." We began to dance. "Present time!" Adam said. Preston handed me a small box I opened it and smiled It was a pin with a lava mob chibi. "It's adorable! Thank you!" I said. I went threw a lot of gifts. All but Team crafted and Matt's. "We each have a gift for you then one big gift." Ty said. I nodded. Ashley handed me her gift. I opened it and giggled. I pulled out a shirt that had her, mine and Ally's MC skins. We were saying 'We give zero fucks' "It's amazing!" I said. Ally handed me her gift. I opened it and tears formed at my eyes. "..Ally.." I said. It was a photo album of us and our new friends. "I-I love it!" I said hugging her. Next was Matt. "Since your 18, I thought you should need this!" He said. He handed me a box. "I don't know if I should be scared or not.." I asked. He chuckled. I opened the box and gasped. "HOLY CRAP!" I said. "What?" Everyone asked. I pulled out 100$ bills. "How much is here?" I asked. $2000" He answered. "HOW?!" I asked. "My boyfriend helped out." He said. I looked at him. "Gavin helped." He said grinning. "OMFG! MATT!" I yelled hugging him. "YOU GUYS ARE DATING! SINCE WHEN?!" I asked. "A week now." He said. Ian handed me the next box. I opened it and grinned. I pulled out a pair of sunglasses. "Now I'm just like you!" I said putting them on. Quentin was next. I opened it and gasped. "OMG! A SQUIRTLE PLUSHIE!!" I said hugging it. "I know he is your favouitre Pokémon.." He said. Next was Bodil. I opened the box and grinned. I pulled out a book called '100 great pranks to pull on friends' "Thanks! I'll sure use these~" I said. The guys groaned. Next was Seto. He handed me a box. it was kinda heavy. I opened it. "BOOKS!" I yelled. I saw many of my favouitre books. Seto smirked. "Check the one on the bottom~" He said. Confused, I lifted the books up and saw 'Fifty Shades Of Grey' ((I HAD TOO! xD)) I blushed and Seto laughed. Jason handed me a bag. I opened it and grinned. He had gave me some speakers. "TOO BLAST ALL THE MUSIC!" I yelled. Jason high fived me. Next was Jerome. I opened it. My eyes widened and I screamed. "OMFG!! JEROME!" I yelled as I hugged him. "What did he get you?" Bodil asked. "A CD with all my favouites song on it! Counting Stars, On top of the world, and much more!" I said as I squealed. Adam handed me his gift. I opened it and smiled. I pulled out a necklace that had a lapis on it. "T-Thank you.." I said. "No problem!" He said. I looked around. Mitch was no where in sight. He soon walked into the room. He had a small box and a larger one. "Open this one first." he said passing me the small one. I opened it and saw a bracelet. It was red, black and purple. It was beautiful. "I-I love it!" I said putting it on. "Now, open this.." He said. He slowly handed me the box. I opened it and a small white head poked out. It was a baby kitten. White fur and blue eyes. "AWWW!!!" I said picking her up. She was adorable! "Mitch!" I said. "You like her?" He asked. "I love her! I shall name you Betty!" I said. Mitch and Jerome grinned. "Now, my gift." Ty said. He handed me a medium sized box. I opened it and saw a pair of headphones. They were like Ty's but purple. "awesome!" I said. The next thing was a sweater. It said my favouitre band name on it, Imagine Dragons. "LOVE IT!" I said. There was one last thing. An envelope. On the front it said 'You've always wanted these..' I opened it and my eyes widened. I covered my mouth with my hand. In my other hand, I held to tickets to a Imagine Dragons concert!! "OH MY GOD! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I yelled. I stood up and ran to hug Ty. He chuckled and hugged back. "Your welcome." He said. "The last gift we had for awhile.." Adam said. "We figured we should give it to you today.." Ty added. "There are two things to it.." Jason said. Mitch handed me a envelope. I opened it and saw a letter. I began to read it out loud. "Hello Max. Me and the guys deicide to give you a treat. We will be going to.. Disney land!" I gasped. No. freaking way. "OHMYGOD!!!!!" I said. I pulled them all into a hug. "Who's idea w-was this?!" I asked. "M-Me.." Mitch said. I ran up to him and hugged him. He was shocked but hugged back. "Thank you Mitch.. I love you.." I said. He smiled. "I love you too.." He said. "Also, I allow you two to date!" Ty said. "R-Really?" I said. "Yup. You both love each other.." Ty said. "What's the other surprise?" I asked. "Why don't you turn around and see it?" A voice said. I turned around and saw Wendy. "WENDY!" I yelled as I ran up to her. "Hello sweetheart." She said. "Happy birthday! 18 years old already.. Damn." She said. She handed me a card. "Here ya go!" She said I smiled and opened it. The card had something in it. It feel onto the ground. I picked it up and gasped. "$1000!" Wendy said. "T-Thank you!" I said hugging her. "Your welcome." She said. We were all having fun when the door bell rang. I went to open it but I only saw a package. I picked it up and walked back inside. "What's inside the package?" Adam asked. "I don't know.. Let's find out.." I said as I opened the package. All was in there was a note. "Go outside." It read. "S-Should I go?" I asked. "S-Sure.. I'll go t-too.." Mitch said. We both walked outside. I gasped at what I saw. There standing there, was a man I thought I would never see again. "R-Ryan?!"

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