Bet you thought you've seen the last of me

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SURPRISEEEE! *Runs in with a cake*  How are you? I'm doing great!

As you may know, this story got a lot of reads!!! Wow! Thank you guys so much!

I am making this because.. I wanted to re-write the ending. With Ty.. So.. Here we go!


Ty took a deeo breath before running forward. He thought he would be to quick for Seto. He was wrong. Seto whipped around to face him and pulled the trigger. The bullet shot out of the gun so quick, Ty didn't have a chance to move. The bullet hit Ty's chest hard and fast. It was right above his heart. His eyes widened and he grabbed his chest, falling backwards and onto the ground. "TY NO!" Max cried out, moving in Seto's arms. Seto's face dropped, his whole body becoming weak. He let go of Max, he ran to Ty's side. Max began to shake Ty. "TY! TY!" She cried out, tears rolling down her cheeks. Seto stood there, his whole body numb. "N-No.." He whispered, backing away from them. "I-I shot my best friend.." he whispered again. He slowly lifted the gun to his head, tears rolling down his cheeks. No one had noticed yet. Max looked over and her eyes widened. "S-Seto.. Don't." He whispered. More tears rolled down his cheeks. "I-I'm sorry.." He whispered and pulled the trigger. His body fell lifelessly onto the ground, the gun hitting the floor with a bang. Max looked away and closed her eyes tightly. "We need to get help!" Ally said. Ty shook his head weakly. "I-It's not use. B-By the time you get h-help, I-I would be dead." He said quietly. Max hugged him softly. "T-Ty.." She whispered. He coughed loudly and his vision became blurrier. Adam was silent the whole time. "A-Adam?" Ty asked queitly. Adam looked at him, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Y-Yes?" He croaked out, his voice weak and shaky. "C-Come here.." Ty said weakly. Adam moved closer to him, tears falling down his face. Ty held onto Adam's hand softly, his hands looking small compaired to Adam's. "I-I.. I'm sorry.." Mitch whispered. "It's f-fine.. It's n-not your fault.." Ty said quetly. Max moved closer to Mitch, who wrapped an arm around her. She cried into his chest. "A-And.. y-you better not hurt Max." Ty added. "I-I would never." Mitch whispered and held her close. "I-I'll miss you all.. T-Tell the fans that I-I'll miss them and that I-I loved all of them.." Ty whispered, his heart becoming slower and slower. "I-I love you all. Y-You're all my best friends.. T-The best people a-a guy could ask for.." He whispered, his eyes slowing closer. "T-Ty.." Adam whispered. "G-Goodbye.." He added as Ty's eyes closed and his heart stopped. The room was silent, the only noise being people crying. Adam slolwy lifted Ty's small body into his arms, holding him close. "W-We'll m-miss you.." He whispered. Ally moved closer to Ashley, hiding her face in Ashley's chest as tears rolled down her cheeks. Everyone in the room was silent. Max glanced over at Seto's body. "Seto.." She whispered and cried harder. Mitch held her close to his body. "I-I'm sorry Max.." He said softly. "I-It's my fault.." She whispered. "What? No!" Mitch said softly. Max shook her head. "T-They're both dead.. because of me." She said queitly. "I-It's not your fault, Max! It's none of ours!" Adam said, looking at her. "None of us every wanted this." He added queitly. "Max, none of this is your fault. It's not your fault that this mess happened." Ally said, looking at her as well. She sighed weakly and kept her face hidden in Mitch's chest. "W-Why.."    


Boop. You're welcome.

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