Daddy Ty-Ty (Short chapter)

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Ty's POV

I was sitting in the living room when I heard someone yell. "DADDY TY-TY!" Max yelled. I laughed. "YES MAXEY-POO?" I yelled. "CAN YOU BRING ME SOME SOUP?" She yelled. "OK!" I yelled. I walked into the kitchen and saw everyone (but Mitch) was in there. They were grinning. "Daddy Ty-Ty!" Ally mocked. "Ally-Bo-Bo, Shut up!" I said. ((If you know where the Ally-Bo-Bo is from, you are amazing!)) I got Max's soup and brought it to her. "Thanks Daddy Ty-Ty!" She said. "No problem, Maxey-Poo." I said. She giggled and ate her soup.

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