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((Sorry for not writing a chapter yesterday.))

Ally POV

I heard a knock on the door, I went to go answer it, just to see Ashley. "Come on. The guys are waiting for us." She said with a smile. "Oh ok! Let's go." We walked downstairs and walk up to the guys. "Ok, let's go Ally." Husky said. I smiled "Ok! Let's go! I wanna get out of this place!" Ashley laughed. "Will do! And when we get home, there are some people who have to meet." Seto said. "Ok..?" I said wondering who I'll be meeting.


"Well, This is our house!" Ian said as he stopped the car. I look outside to see a beautiful house. "Wow.." I whispered. Bodil smiled at me. "Let's go inside." He said to me. "Ok! Let's go!" I said as I grabbed my bags. Seto unlocked the door and we all walked inside. Wow.. it's beautiful! "Well, Welcome to our house!" Bodil said. "Thanks for choosing me.." I said. Ian smiled. "It's no problem!" I smiled at them. "Ok Ally, your room to upstairs. First room to the right." Ashley said to me. "Thanks." I said as I walked upstairs. As I walk into the room, my mouth drops. The walls are green and the roof and floor are black. ((It's similar to max's)) My desk was black with creepers on it. My carpet was a creeper and my blankets, pillows and everything was either black, green or had a creeper on it. I also had a creeper plushie and an enderman one. "Oh my..gawd!" I said as I threw down my bags and ran downstairs. I ran into the living room and everyone turned to me. "What's the matter, Ally?" Ashley asked. I ran up to Ashley and hugged her. "Wha..? Ok..?" She said. I then ran up to the rest of the guys and hugged them. "What's with the hugs?" Bodil asked. "MY ROOM! I LOVE IT!" I yelled. They laughed. "You've bettered of liked your room! We worked hard on that!" Ian said with a laugh. I smiled. "You guys are awesome!" I said while pulling them all in for a group hug. "I know right!" Husky said. I laughed. "Ok, were gonna be having some friends come over. So, get ready!" Ashley said. I nodded as I ran upstairs to get ready.


As I was sitting around with the guys, the phone rang. "I'll get it." Jason said as he got up and went to the phone. "Hello? Ok.. will be there in a bit." Jason said as he put down the phone. We walked over to the guys and told them something. "Ok, Max were going to see someone. Come on. " Sky said as he walked towards to door. 'Ok..?' I thought 'I wonder where we going.' We walked to the car and got in. We were driving for about ten minutes when we stopped and the guys put something over my eyes. "What the fuck?! What are you guys doing?!" I asked as they laughed. "It's a surprise!" Ty said as they walked me, to what I think was the front door. They then knocked on the door. "Hey guys! Come in!" I heard a girly voice say. As we walked inside, I heard a lot of voice's, at least over ten different people! "Ok, when can I take off the fucking blindfold?!" I hear a girls voice say. Everyone laughed. "Soon" a voice said. "What about me?! You fuckers never told me where we were going!" I said as more people laughed. "Oh shut up!" I hear Jerome say. I sighed. "Ok.. On the count of three.. well take off there blindfolds.." I hear a guy say. "One...two...THREE!" Sky said then I could see. The first thing I saw was the other girl. And it was Ally. We ran up to each other and hugged. "Wait.. do you guys know each other?" I hear a girl say. I look to see Ashleymarieegaming! "Yeah, Ashley! Were best friends! We were both at that hell hole together! If you don't believe me, just look at out necklaces!" I look to see she's wearing hers. I look around and I was shocked! In the room, there were the rest of team crafted, TBNRfrags, Bashur, Antvemon, Captainsparklez, Bigbadmanpig, Munchingbrotato, Ghostezz, Mr360games and a lot other youtubers. I covered my mouth with my hands, to stop me from screaming. Ally was doing the same. "Well, you both seem to know eachother.. and by the looks of things, you seem to know who everyone else here is." Husky said with a laugh. We nodded. "Of course we know who you guys are! We are fans of all of you guys!" I said. "And Max has a crus-" Before Ally could finish, I put my hand over her mouth. Everyone raised there eyebrows. "Ok..?" Sky said looking at me. "Ok! So, now what?" I asked, trying to change the subject. "How bout we get to know you two." Preston said. "Ok, Perston!" I said making everyone laugh. "Oh god" Preston said. We all sat down and they started asking us questions. "What's your favorite color?" Ghost asked. "My favorite colors are Black and purple, for enderman." I said. "Mine is green and black, for creepersssss" Ally said saying that like a creeper. "What's your favorite food?" Jordan asked. "BACON!!" Ally said. "Also candy." She added. "What about you, Max?" Sky said. "I like candy, but my favorite is.." I said as I looked at Jason. "..prizza.." Jason grinned and high-fives me. "PRIZZA FTW!!" I laughed. "Ok, How did you guys become best friends?" Taylor(Antvemon) said, looking at me and Ally. We looked at eachother and started laughing. "Ok, Max! You tell them!" Ally said trying not to laugh. "Ok" I said looking at them.

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