Kidnapped by Tyler.

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((Thank you Scarlet55 for giving me this idea!!)

Max's POV

I called Ally to come over and hang out with me. We were having fun, being home alone! (The guys were having a 'guys night out') There was a knock on the door and I went to answer it. I opened the door and saw Tyler standing there. "Hi Max." He said. "Tyler.." I said. Ally heard what we were saying and came beside me. "Hi Ally.." He said. She glared at him. "I wanted to come and say sorry." He said. We looked at each other. "Thank you Tyler." I said. He grinned. Me and Ally were confused. Before we knew it, everything went black. I woke up tied to a chair. Ally was right beside me. She was already up. "Ally.. Where are we?" I asked. "Well, Looks who up!" Someone said. They walked into the light and I saw it was Tyler. "TYLER! WHY?!" I yelled. He grinned. "Oh Maxine. I was planning on doing this for awhile!" He said. "WHY?! I thought you liked Max?" Ally asked. "I love Maxine, Allison. But I hate you." He said. "TYLER!!!! NO! PLEASE!" I yelled. He walked up to me and lifted up my chin with his finger. I couldn't do anything. "Maxine.." He said. He leaned down and kissed me. I tried to pull away, but he was holding me.

Adam's POV

Me and the guys were getting out of the car. We walked inside the house. "MAX! ALLY!" I yelled as we walked inside. No answer. I walked into the kitchen and saw there was a huge mess. "I'm gonna kill the girls!" I said. I saw a note on the table and picked it up. It said: 'Dear TC, I took Max and Ally. I'm gonna keep them for a long time. Don't bother looking for them, You'll never find me. I'll kill Ally but keep Max as my slave. From, Tyler.' "GUYS! GET THE FUCK HERE! NOW!" I yelled. They all ran into the kitchen. "What's the matter?" Ty asked. Tears rushed down my face. "He took them.. He kidnapped Ally and Max.." I said. There eyes widened. "WHO?!" They all said. "Tyler.." I said as I showed them the note. "No.. NoNONONONO!" Jerome said. Mitch pulled put his phone. "Who are you calling?" Bodil asked. "The police and Ashley.." He said. He called the police first then Ashley. Minutes later, Ashley ran through the door. She was crying. She took the note out of my hands and read it. "I know where he is.." She said. "How?" We all asked. "I saw him driving.. I didn't see them though.." She answered. The police then came. They were asking us questions. "Who are there parents?" A police officer asked. "There both adopted.. We're there guardian's." I said. He wrote that down. "Do you have a idea where they are?" Another asked. "I know where they are! Follow my car!" She said. We all ran outside. Ashley got in her car and drove away We all followed her.

Max's POV

Tyler was grabbing something. I turned to Ally. "If anything happens to either of us, I just want you to know, I love you like a sister." I said. She nodded. "Same here." Tyler walked back. He was holding a knife. ((My heart is pounding, FUCK!)) My eyes widened. "I never liked you, Allison.." He said walking towards her. "Tyler.. Please don't!" She cried. He grabbed the knife and put it close to Ally. "DON'T KILL HER! KILL ME!" I cried out. "MAX!" She yelled. Tyler turned to look at me. "I can't do that, Maxine, I love you.." He said. He grabbed the knife and stabbed Ally in the leg. She cried in pain. "ALLY!" I yelled as loud as I could.

Ashley's POV

I drove to where I saw Tyler park and got out. It was a old house. The police cheeked the house and there was nothing. "I'm so sorry.." They said to us. "No.. You don't understand.. THEY ARE LIKE MY SISTERS!" I cried out. Suddenly, we heard someone yell "ALLY!" I ran to were I heard it. It came from a cellar. I opened in and ran downstairs. I saw Tyler holding a knife, Ally's leg bleeding and Max crying. I ran up to Tyler and tackled him. The knife fell out of his hand and onto the floor. The police came in and put handcuffs on Tyler. Ally was rushed to the hospital. I untied Max. She immediately hugged me. She was crying. "Ashley.. H-He was gonna kill Ally.." She said between sobs. I cried too. "I-I know.. It's all over though.. Ally will be alright." I said. Adam ran up to her and hugged her first. "MAX!" He said. "ADAM!" She cried. Ty, Jason, Jerome and Mitch joined there hug. Then we all joined the hug. We walked outside and saw Matt and the Creatures waiting there. Max ran up and hugged Matt. "MAXY! OMFG! I thought I lost you!" Matt said. Max cried. "H-He was gonna rape me.." She said. She stopped hugging him and turned to the Creatures. She hugged all of them. She stopped at Aleks and he pulled her into the biggest hug ever.

Max's POV

I felt safe with Aleks hugging me. "Max.." He whispered to me. "How'd did you know?" I asked. "Adam called us.." Eddie said. I looked at Adam and smiled. "I hope Ally is alright.." I said "Don't worry, She's a tough girl!" Nova said. We all went to the hospital. We were in the waiting room, when the nurse came out. "I know she's adopted.. Who is she closest too?" She asked. Everyone looked at me. "I-I'm her best friend. I know everything about her." I said. The nurse told me to follow her. I followed her to a room. I walked inside and saw Ally on a bed. I ran up and hugged her. "Ally.." I said. "Max.." She said slowly. "Never die on me." I said. "Ok. As long as you don't die on me." She said. I pulled her into a hug. Everyone else came into the room. Ally was doing pretty well. She didn't lose that much blood. She would be out tomorrow. Me and Ashley were staying the night here. "If fans ask, say we are sick. If friends ask, tell them." I said. The guys nodded. After they left, we talked like nothing happened. There was a knock on the door. I went to answer it and saw Carmen, Avery and Emma. They all hugged me. They went to Ally and hugged her too. We told them what happened and they stayed with us until we had to sleep. It was hard falling asleep but I finally feel asleep.

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