twenty-two ; the trial

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"The message said, 'Have everything ready

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"The message said, 'Have everything ready. The trail will begin immediately.' She's on her way."

The three Shadowhunters walked through HQ, eyeing each other until Alec stopped to talk. Margo stood beside him as the two faced Lydia. "Yeah, but that doesn't make any sense. Why rush this? We all know that Clary and Jace are still out there."

"Clary and Jace aren't on trial for high treason," Lydia rebutted.

Margo snorted. "Oh, come on. We both know there's nothing solid to pin on Izzy." She looked up at Alec, hoping for back-up.

He nodded his head. "Margo's right. If we just delay this for a couple of weeks, it--"

He cut himself off as the doors of the Institute opened and a half a dozen guards walked through, in pairs, leading Inquisitor Herondale. Margo, Alec and Lydia all walked to the sidelines, Margo backing into Alec, completely afraid of the woman they were about to see. Lydia noticed Alec pull her closer, frowning as a small smile adorned Margo's lips.

As the Inquisitor walked past the guards and the three Shadowhunters, she spoke. "Guards, at ease." She turned to Alec and Margo. "Excuse us." The two nodded, walking a few yards away as she turned to Lydia.

Alec led Margo away from HQ, up to her room. "Well, she's just a ray of freaking sunshine," Margo commented as the two entered her room and shut the door behind them.

Alec shrugged. "She's scary, that's for sure." Margo changed out of her dress and into a pair of shorts and a crop top, right in front of Alec. She figured she may as well tease him a bit, let him know exactly what he's missing out on.

And boy, did he ever! As soon as Margo's dress fell into a pool by her feet, Alec's eyes were glued to her body. Never had he regretted a decision so fast. For a few moments, he forgot why he was even marrying Lydia; all that was on his mind all the time, not just at this moment, was Margo.

As soon as Margo zipped up her shorts, she turned to Alec, smirking as she saw his eyes outlining her curves. When they roamed up her body and stared into her eyes, a furious blush adorned Alec's face. "I--I--I have to go," Alec quickly stuttered, standing up from Margo's bed and heading towards her door.

The brunette rushed to it before the Lightwood boy could, standing in front of her door as a guard. "What's going on, Alec?"

He sighed softly, nearing her until their foreheads touched. He shut his eyes momentarily. "I can't be here, Margo," he admitted, shaking his head before backing away. "I love you. I want to be with you. But that's not enough."

He softly pushed her to the side, avoiding eye-contact, and made his way out of her room.

When he returned, a few hours later, he was urging Margo to come downstairs. "It's time for the trial," he sighed, pressing a hand to the small of her back as she walked in front of him. The two walked into the small room, where Magnus and one of the Silent Brothers stood. Inquisitor Herondale sat on an elevated throne-like seat in between.

MARGO ▸ ALEC LIGHTWOODWhere stories live. Discover now