three ; nothing but problems

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Neither Aldertree nor Lydia returned with an unarmed Jace or a beheaded Valentine

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Neither Aldertree nor Lydia returned with an unarmed Jace or a beheaded Valentine. Instead, they returned with the infamous redheaded mother-daughter duo and their pale, awkward vampire friend. Simon stopped by Margo and Izzy when she motioned him over as Clary angrily stomped away from her mother's pleas.

"What happened, Simon?" Margo asked curiously. "Did you not find Jace?"

Simon shook his head, tilting a brow up in sarcasm. "Not only did we find Jace but we found Jocelyn trying to shoot him with an arrow."

"What?" Izzy screeched, as if she'd suddenly lost all hearing; she had to have heard that wrong. There was no way...

Simon shrugged, turning to the brunette. "It's true." His attention was caught when Clary and her mom started to argue rather loudly in the next room. Simon, being the good friend he was, quickly rushed off to referee their match.

Figuring she may have some chance to retrieve more information, Margo nudged Izzy before heading after Aldertree, who walked into his office.

She followed him inside; he left the door open, having caught the curiosity in her eyes. He was sitting at his desk when Margo walked in, quietly taking a seat in front of him. "What happened out there?" she asked softly, eyes glued to the statue her hands had grabbed from his desk and were now fumbling with.

"You know I can't tell you, Margo," he replied, a hint of a smile playing at his lips as he went through some more paperwork.

"You said we couldn't get involved in the hunt for Jace. I'm just inquiring... We're still allowed to inquire, right?" she sarcastically spoke. Margo had figured that was the only way to get to Aldertree; challenging him was her only way in and it hadn't failed her yet. "Or has that liberty been taken away, too?"

He sighed, releasing his grip on the papers and tilting his head up to look at her. Their eyes met as he answered her question. "Of course you're still allowed to inquire. I'm on your side, Margo--"

"Then act like it," she snapped, crossing her arms. 

"Look, I understand how you must feel. Jace was one of your friends, you've known him for quite some time, but he is a traitor and he chose to leave us for Valentine."

Margo had to bite down on her tongue to keep from revolting. "You've only known of Jace for a little while. Everyone at this Institute has known him since before he started landing that brooding face as his default one, which, let me tell you, is a long while."

"Actions speak louder than words, Margo."

"Well then this should express how I'm feeling better than words ever could." And with that, she stood up, held her middle finger up in Aldertree's direction before stomping out of his office and through the halls of the Institute. She could hear two very distinct voices speaking nearby, in one of the combat rooms.

MARGO ▸ ALEC LIGHTWOODWhere stories live. Discover now