two ; redhead's got a hot head

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By the time they had made it to Pandemonium, they were running a little behind the schedule Alec wanted to follow

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By the time they had made it to Pandemonium, they were running a little behind the schedule Alec wanted to follow. Jace bumped into someone, a redhead, and the three others decided to leave him be as they walked towards the nightclub. They waited at the entrance for Jace, who was clearly taking longer than Alec desired. "Jace!" he called out, hurrying him into the club.

They found the demon quickly, seeing him shift into the body of a tall brunette in a tight, hot pink dress. Jace took the lead, following the demon with Izzy, Margo, and Alec hot on his heels, in that order. Margo felt Alec's hand rest on the small of her back so as not to lose her inside the packed club.

Izzy glanced back at the two, getting a thumbs-up from Margo for the blonde (platinum) wig she wore. After turning back, Margo looked up at Alec, whose chest was pressed against her back. "Why don't we ever come to clubs to actually dance?" she asked aloud.

He shook his head, wearing his game-face, or as Margo liked to call it: his "resting bitch face." At first she thought he hadn't heard her, but then he took hold of her hand, pressing a kiss to the back of it. "Next time, promise," he said.

The foursome entered a private space in the club, Jace pulling the curtains as they entered, ensuring privacy.

"Izzy," Jace started. She nodded her head, making her way up to the podium and slipping out of her jacket. She pulled off her wig, dancing slowly and pulling the demons around her in a trance. They were too occupied with watching Izzy's body to notice Jace walk up to the demon as Alec and Margo took their places a few feet away. Alec rested against a pillar, pulling Margo to his body. The girl crossed her arms, watching as Jace conversed with the demon.

She heard him mumble, "Last chance," before his seraph blade came out to play.

The redhead from earlier, the one who had bumped into Jace, was suddenly in the room with them, screeching at the demon, "Watch out!"

She pushed the demon out of the way just before Jace did the same to her. The demon's true form exposed itself as it launched itself at Jace. Whilst Izzy used her electric whip to manage the demons near her, Alec and Margo fought those around them using their own seraph blades. Roars and grunts and growls filled the room.

By the time the fighting had stopped and all that remained were the four Shadowhunters, the redhead escaped the room, clearly in a panicked state. "Should we go after her?" Margo questioned as she neared Alec, letting him grab her face in his hands and check her body for any wounds.

Jace shrugged, letting his friends go back to the Institute while he followed the girl, ensuring her safety.

Margo couldn't jump faster at the offer, having had enough physical activity for one night.

Once they made it back to the Institute, they all managed to find their way to the kitchen, grabbing two tubs of ice cream, and then to a recreational den, where the three rested up until Jace came back. Because he was outnumbered 2 to 1, the three Shadowhunters ended up watching Project Runway, Isabelle and Margo's favorite pastime.

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