sixteen ; fledgling

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The Shadowhunters got up before the sun had even risen, thanks to one Clary Fray

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The Shadowhunters got up before the sun had even risen, thanks to one Clary Fray.

"Wake up!" she demanded, barging into Isabelle's room and waking up the resting Shadowhunters.

Margo groaned, turning around in Alec's arms and hiding her head in his chest. His arms tightened as they felt her shift.

It seemed as though none of her fellow Shadowhunters seemed to be making any progress in following Clary's orders. The redhead frustratingly started tugging at their heels. "Come on, guys. We've gotta figure out our plan of action with the Cup."

Isabelle mumbled from beside Margo. "And we can't figure it out at a reasonable hour? It has to be in the middle of the night?"

Clary paused a moment. "None of you will be able to sleep soundly until we resolve this issue; I know I can't. Now, come on."

Margo sighed before opening her eyes, only to glare at the redhead. "For the record, I was sleeping pretty soundly before you woke me up."

Clary rolled her eyes, used to her friend's distaste towards being woken up. Nevertheless, she pulled Margo, as well as the other three, out of bed and down the stairs towards HQ.

Her and Alec were currently observing a large monitor, hoping to find anything odd.

Margo glanced over her shoulder to see Jace and Clary standing close, whispering between themselves. They pulled apart when Isabelle used her whip to grab the Cup out of Clary's hands. She hummed to herself before walking down the stairs.

Jace made his way over to the couple at the monitor, smiling softly as he saw Margo's eyes fighting to stay open. She leaned against Alec, letting him wrap an arm around her.

"Guys, what are you doing? You can stare at this monitor all you want; they need angel blood to get past the wards. You know that. No Downworlder can come into the Institute," the blonde informed.

Isabelle shook her head, speaking from a few yards behind the trio. "Not without an invite by a Shadowhunter."

Alec argued with her, turning around. In doing so, Margo slightly tipped off balance before regaining her posture, catching the apologetic glance Alec shot her way. She waved it off with a smile. "Last I checked, Valentine is a Shadowhunter. The Cup is not safe here. We have to give it back to the Clave."

"Give it back to the Clave? No," Clary disagreed. "Not after everything we went through to get it."

Isabelle walked over to stand by the redhead as Margo, Alec and Jace stood in front of them. "My brother is right," she spoke after eyeing Alec, "The Cup is extremely important."

MARGO ▸ ALEC LIGHTWOODWhere stories live. Discover now