Chapter 1

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It was summer. The sky was painted with oranges and reds as the sun dipped down into the horizon.

The mother let out a gasp at the newborn child she held in her arms. A kunai shaped birthmark on her right shoulder was glowing a bright colour of silver.

"What does this mean?" The father asked and the medical ninja smiled.

"Your child has been born with exceptional ninja abilities, congratulations!" They smiled brightly and the parents scowled.

"She's no ninja, she's just a burden to us now." They looked down at the child with hatred in their eyes.

"I-I see." The nurses were taken aback but brushed it off.

"W-we need her name for the birth certificate." They handed the father the paper and he clicked his tongue.

"Aki, boring and insignificant, like this child." He muttered and signed the paper, naming the child Aki, soon to be the queen of cherry blossoms.

~Time Skip, 10 years later~

"I'll be heading to the academy now mother, father." I smiled at their scowling faces.

"Tch, like we care, run along and be home in time to do all the chores."  mother stood from the table and left the room.

I sighed and slipped my ninja shoes on to complete my outfit, which consisted of a white kimono top and black spandex shorts. Bandages covered my legs from the knee down and my arms from the elbow down. I had my black torn bow made of bandages securing my waist length white hair in a pony tail, with two braids at the front.

I shut the door and walked through the crowded streets of the rain village.

I Sighed in relief I walked to the academy. My parents didn't want me to go to the academy as they thought that I wouldn't make it as a ninja.

People always distanced myself from me and I could never understand why. I always thought it was because I was born into a non ninja family but with exceptional abilities.

My parents don't seem to care about me or anything to do with me but I guess I have to deal with that, one day, I'll prove myself.


I reached the academy and smiled at the welcoming Sensei who stood at the doorway.

"Ohio Aki, ready for another day of learning?" He smiled and I faked tiredness.

"Oh the horror, I'm too tired." I giggled and he rolled his eyes.

I entered the classroom and sighed at all the stares I got from my classmates.

I made my way to my seat, next to basically my only friend, Tammy.

"Have you had a good morning so far Aki San?" She asked and I smiled.

"It's been pretty good Tammy chan." I giggled and Takao Sensei entered.

"Right, today we will be reviewing the transformation technique, line up please and I will assess you one by one." He explained and Tammy looked down. I patted her shoulder and grinned.

"Don't worry Tammy, tomorrow we can train in taijutsu!" I offered and her face lit up.

"Okay!" She agreed and we proceeded to line up to review the jutsu.


"Hey Aki Chan! Would you like to go for a walk through the village?" Tammy came running to me after class ended.

"I would but I need to get home, I have... Uh... Training." I lied before waving her goodbye.

I hadn't actually had any training but my family would 'punish' me if I wasn't home to do all the chores.

I walked through the door to my house to be grabbed by my hair and dragged into my living room.

"Your late brat!" My father growled and I got pushed to the floor and I looked up at his scowling face.

"Hey! I'll take her to the training grounds and train her till she can't anymore!" My elder sister came into the room.

I smiled to myself. My sister has always been the only person to protect me. When she did this, it meant we would train but she would be nice.

"Fine, take her Ash." He kicked me with his foot and left.

She pulled me to my feet and dragged me out of the house.

"We can't keep doing this, you can't undergo this anymore, you need to run away." She pulled me in front of her and I widened my eyes.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked and she sighed.

"I have planned this for a while, I've hidden a rucksack filled with everything you need to make it to the leaf village. You will leave today and I will lend you one of my friends dog summons to lead you. I shall miss you Aki but you must leave and have a better life." She leant down and patted my head before whistling.

A small ginger dog with flopped ears and a black tail appeared. My eyes brimmed with tears and I hugged my sister.

"Th-thank you! I'll miss you too ash!" I thanked her and she nodded.

"I'll cover for you and say you ran at your own accord. They will look for you but Checkers here can cover your trail. Good luck." She pushed me towards the gates and I ran.

With the small dog running beside me, I left the village. I left all the pain and hatred behind, but at the same time I left my sister and Tammy.

"I'll miss you." I whispered and kept running at full speed. The dog barked and I nodded as it turned into the trees which must be the way to the leaf village.

"So, your Aki, I'll be leaving you when we reach the village." Checkers informed me and I nodded.

"Okay, I'm sure I'll find my way. How long until we reach the village?" I asked and the dog hummed.

"About 2 days." He replied and I nodded slowly. I never thought this would happen.

I am at the age of 10 and I'm running away from the only home I ever knew, to a place I have never been.

I hope I can make a new life and live it how I want to. I want a new start and I want to change how I live. This is my new life, my new start.

Hope you liked the first chapter!
All that jazz!

Naruto: Akane chan! Aren't you forgetting something!
Akane (me): why of course not Naru chan! *said while struggling to keep to door closed*
Sasuke: Naruto is right for once. *looks at Akane struggling with the door*
Akane: I will release these fangirls if you don't tell me! *smirks as the door opens and a herd of fangirls come running in*
Sasuke: dammit! *runs away while being chased*
Naruto: you forgot to say you don't own nar-
Akane: I do not own NARUTO! *smiles like an idiot while Naruto sweat drops*

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