Chapter 24

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"A team? I know, I was informed about something like that." I nodded while hanging from the ceiling.

Yes, I had gotten bored so just used my chakra to hang from the ceiling.

"Okay, they have just graduated the academy. Here's their files on everything you'll need to know. " lady tsunde handed me three files and I nodded. After explaining everything to her, she made me an anbu! She said I won't be needed unless it is urgent.

I have a sassy wolf mask hanging on my hip. "Okay, when do I start?" I jumped down to the floor. Everyone else had left, apparently sai was the newest member of team 7, after duck leaving.

"Whenever you've read over those." She spoke.

"Taeo Hosuki, Yurimae Ara and Raeshin Osargi." I read their names out and she nodded.

"Yep, when you've read through that, head to the academy and they should be there." She explained and I bowed as I left the office.

"Taeo, 3rd born in the Hosuki clan. Specialised in water jutsu, that's good for me! Has a fear of thunderstorms, we will need to work on that, 13 years old. Next, Yurimae, only child in the Ara clan. Specialised in Taijutsu, well lee can help with that. Scared of blood, like lady Tsunade. 12 years old. And lastly, Raeshin Osargi, 3rd born and a twin, specialised in fire and lighting jutsu. Fears heights. 13 years old, eldest in my team." I finished reading through the files and headed to the academy.

Man, it's been so long since I've been here, seen as though I'm 16 now. I walked through the streets and ran into a familiar lazy ass.

"SHIKAMARU!" I tackled him and he just yelled.

"Huh?! Wait, hey Aki. When'd you get back?" He asked as I helped him to his feet.

"Just today, I'm off to the academy to find my team!" I told him and he paled.

I frowned but then saw a familiar blond about to launch herself at me.

"AKI!" "INO!" We both yelled at the same time and shikamaru sweat dropped.

"I missed youuuuu!" I hugged her tightly as Choji appeared next to shikamaru.

"I missed you too." She giggled and I hugged choji.

"Now it's been great to see you guys but I really have to go, see ya later!" I waved and started jogging to the academy.

"Are you an anbu?! I saw the mask!" Choji called after me and I turned around, jogging backwards.

"Yep! Bye!" I then started sprinting with chakra in my feet. Damn I'm so late!

I barged through the academy door, my mask swaying and my hair flowing behind me. The outer skirt on my outfit waved out and my long ninja headband did the same.

I walked through the classroom door and bumped into two people.

"Aki!?" It was Rejii sensei. I smiled and nodded.

"Hey sensei!" I waved and the class started at me.

Some other team leaders were there and I just jumped on the front empty desk and sat down.

"Oh, and this is our last team leader, Aki Gekkō. Now I'll read out the teams." I crossed my legs and looked around the room.

Some people glanced over at me and others just faced the front. My eyes landed on cocky little shit at the front who was picking on another boy.

In one leap, I was crouched on their desk. I pulled the boys ear to face me. "Hey kid, I don't like how your treating him. Apologise." I proclaimed and he rolled his eyes. I glared and created cherry blossoms. He quickly paled and apologised 100 times to the kid who laughed.

The Queen Of Cherry Blossoms~ Naruto fanfic (Neji love story)Where stories live. Discover now