Chapter 19

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Falling, and all I felt was pain.

I should be bothered. I should be bothered that I'm falling to my death. But I'm not.

I'm bothered about the fact I've lost him. He's gone and it's my fault. He's dead because I wasn't there. He isn't going to be there when I get home saying 'welcome back Aki, I missed ya today'. He's not here because I brushed off his absence, now I'm falling, and I'm not bothered.

"AKI!" I heard a loud scream, I didn't care. It wasn't anything I needed right now.

"AKI!" Again, they screamed again. Why can't I see? Why is it all black? Why?

Wait, this isn't what he would want! He would want me to fight! He wouldn't want me to give up! He would want me to keep going, through he pain

"ARGHHHH!" I forced my eyes open and saw the ground. So much for fighting pain, it's all I'm gonna feel in a minute.

"AKI!" The scream again.

"NEJI!" I didn't know why, I didn't know why I screamed that. I knew it wasn't Neji who was screaming because it was Kiba, he was running, dodging ninja, trying to get me to be safe.

So why did I scream Neji? I don't know, but I needed him right now. The Hyuga who opened up to me, and the guy I'm crushing on. Heh, funny huh? Cliche 'boy saves girl scene' saying shit like 'I need him' and 'he's always been there for me'. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. But that ain't my style.

But alas, I was caught. Not by Neji, oh no, it was by Shino. He must have been chasing the sand siblings and decided to stop by and save my life.

"Aki, are you okay?" He asked I genuinely, which was surprising.

It wasn't till then that I realised I was crying uncontrollably.

"He's gone, gone." Was all I choked out. Jeez I'm such a weakling. I'm supposed to fight for him.

"Aki, it's gonna be okay." He let me down and I nodded. My pain changes to anger and I growled.

Shino left to chase the sand siblings and black cherry blossoms enveloped me, my hair turning black, along with my eyes. My teeth growing sharp and my power surging, I jumped back to where that dick, Baki was.

"You evil dickhead!" I growled and he looked shocked that I was still alive.

"You've changed huh?" He smirked and I just threw my arms forward and went insane. Trying my hardest to inflict as much pain as I could.

Eventually I was sure I had killed him, but no. In a puff of smoke there was a different person. I growled and damn it was loud.

I jumped down to where Neji and Gai were and their eyes widened.

"Aki?" They asked and I nodded. Some dickheads ran at me with katana's.

I punched them in the face and they flew over the railings. "Can you not?!" I shouted and another ran towards me.

"I'm gonna kill you!" They growled and I drop kicked them into the wall.

"Seriously?! Stop trying to kill me when I'm talking!" I shouted and Gai and Neji sweat dropped.

My black facade left and I went back to normal, a few tears rolling down my face. I leaned against the railings, sobbing terribly.

"Aki!" Neji ran over, all the enemies were taken out now.

"Neji, he's gone." I sobbed as he embraced me. I cried into his chest and be just let me.

"It's okay, it's gonna be alright." He told me soothingly and I pulled back, still hugging him, to see his face.

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