Chapter 4

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"So Aki, it was your birthday yesterday!"

"I could be your late birthday present!"

"No that's gonna be me!"

Fun, fanboys are such fun! NOT! I had walked into class this morning and was bombarded with a group of fanboys. Throughout all of this, I was glaring at Ketsu.

After our meeting with the hokage, Ketsu had then mentioned it was my birthday when we were walking past one of the boys. New spread fast and now I want to jump out a window and run.

"Leave Aki San alone!" A familiar voice interrupted and I jumped away from the group.

"Yeah, leave Aki San alone!" I repeated as the boys stalked off while glaring at Lee.

"You okay?" He asked as we made our way to our seats.

"I'm fine, thanks for saving me Lee!" I grinned as we sat down. He gave me a thumbs up and Rejii Sensei came entered the room.

"Today class we are going outside for target practice, I am going to put you in pairs for his exercise. Aki since your new you can pick your partner." He finished and a whole group of boys came around my table.

"Aki, I'll be your partner!"

"No I will!"

"I think I'd be your best choice!"

"Let me speak please! I chose Lee, come on let's go." I grabbed his wrist and dragged him outside behind the others.

"Why don't you cut your hair off and grow a moustache, they wouldn't want you after that!" Ketsu jumped off my head and I face palmed.

"It's just unwanted attention, this 'phase' will pass." I giggled and Lee nodded in agreement.

"Right! So now your all paired up, we'll begin target practice! Aki and Lee, you can go first." He nodded his head towards us and we stepped up to the targets.

I glance at each in turn and take out 5 shuriken. After placing each between my fingers I threw them all at the targets.

I got 4 bullseyes but the other sailed past the target and into a tree. "Oops!" I squeaked as it connected to the bark

"Well done Aki, Lee, your next." He jotted something on his clipboard. Lee hit all the targets dead on.

More people went and they all got pretty good until one other boy went up. He hit 2 targets but the rest hit trees, on sailed straight towards me before I could react.

I moved a little just in time but it slit my cheek causing a fairly deep cut. "Oh jeez, I'm so sorry!" He bowed over and over but I just smiled.

"It's fine." I took out my ribbon from my hair causing it to fall down my shoulders and held it in place on my cheek.

"You sure your okay Aki?" Lee asked and I nodded. A familiar long haired boy came towards me.

"Here, I had this bandage in my weapons pouch, you should be more careful Baka." He handed me the bandage and I took it gratefully.

After placing it over my cut I thanked Neji. "Arigato Neji." I smiled a little while bowing.

"Tsk, whatever, it was your own fault you got cut." He turned on his heel and walked away making me roll my eyes.

"Now my hairs gonna go weird." I muttered and Lee came over to me again.

"Your hair will look fine Aki San." He grinned and I smiled back.

"Right, well done to everyone today. Tomorrow is the graduation exam, Aki your new to the class so would you want to go for it?" Rejii Sensei asked and I grinned brightly.

"Of course, I learnt most things in my old academy." I admitted and he nodded before writing it down on the clipboard.

"You want to go for a tour of the village?" Lee asked as we walked away from the academy.

"Yeah sure!" I smiled and Ketsu clicked her tongue.

"Well I'm gonna get bored so I'm off for a bit, later!" Ketsu jumped off my head and transformed into a black winged bird with a White kunai mark on its back.

"Sayonara Ketsu." Me and Lee chimed before she flew off somewhere.

"Where to first?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I know, let me show you the training field first." He lead me off into the village.


"Later Lee!" I called as he walked away from my house.

"Ah, Aki *cough* your back." Hayate greeted when I walked in the kitchen.

"What happened to your cheek?" He wondered and I just rubbed my neck sheepishly.

"In class we did target practice and someone couldn't exactly hit every one." I explained and he oh'ed.

"So, *cough* where've you been?" He began making ramen while I got out the bowls.

"My friend Lee was giving me a tour of the village." I sat down at the table as he handed me a bowl of ramen.

"Isn't the *cough* graduation exam tomorrow?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yep, but I think I will be able to do okay, I just want to be ninja already!" I said dramatically and a loud noise suddenly came from the window.

"I'm back!!!" Ketsu yelled as she jumped inside and reverted to her dog form.

"What did you do then?" I questioned as I helped Hayate with the dishes.

"We flew around for a bit and then had a nap on the hokage heads." She explained shrugging and Hayate nodded.

"Now, Aki *cough* I have a mission tomorrow. *cough* you'll be okay right?" He asked.

"Yeah, is it okay if one of my friends comes over?" I asked him back and he nodded.

"Yeah sure. *cough* I'll be back in a few days." He told me and I hopped up stairs.

"Night Hayate, I need rest for tomorrow." I called down as Ketsu padded up the stairs after me.

"So, that Neji guy, you like him?" She questioned as she took he place on her dog bed.

"What? Well he's a friend in think." I then wondered about it myself.

"Heh, well he gave you that bandage today." She winked and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, night Ketsu." I said to her as she winked once more and fell asleep.

"Hope your okay ash." I whispered to myself before falling asleep.

Akane: WHOOP! We're already on chapter 4 bitches!
Shikamaru: your kinda troublesome.
Akane: Love ya! Don't deny you love meeeeee!
Shikamaru: *looks away sighing* what a drag.
Akane: don't be like thatttt! *pouts*
Shikamaru: just say the thing. *blushes ever so so so slightly*
Akane: I, the oh great and powerful, and may I say beautiful Akane! *winks at shika who sweat drops* does not own Naruto.
Shikamaru: your lucky I can stand you.

The Queen Of Cherry Blossoms~ Naruto fanfic (Neji love story)Where stories live. Discover now