Chapter 8

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"Hayate I'm home!" I called while slipping my shoes off.

"Hey, I have something *cough* planned, let's go." He came through the living area and ruffled my hair.

Hayate is like my big brother and most likely the person I am closest too. I never really thought a bond with him would be this strong.

"Um okay, where we going?" I fixed my now wavy hair as he locked the door.

"Ramen, *cough* you've been training really *cough* hard so it's ramen time!" He explained with a slight gleam in his eyes I hadn't really seen before.

"Yoshhh!" I fist pumped the air as we headed to Ichiraku's. When we got there, someone was already wolfing down bowl after bowl.

"Ah, Hayate I see your here with Aki today." The man greeted us and I grinned while scanning the menu quickly.

"Yeah, *cough* and the usual customer here *cough* as well." They shared asmile while glancing at the blond who just finished his 12th bowl.

"I'll have a chicken ramen please." I took a seat next to him and he looked up at me while another bowl was placed in front of him.

"Hey! I'm Naruto, the future hokage!" He greeted with a grin, he looked a year younger then me with an orange outfit and goggles.

"My names Aki, ninja of the leaf village." I pointed to my headband which I had decided to move to around my neck loosely.

"Miso ramen, Arigato *cough*" Hayate smiled again before turning to me.

"So, how's training?" He asked and I scratched my neck sheepishly.

"Tiring, but we have another mission coming up in a few days, just a C rank though." I began eating my ramen before looking back to the blond who had now disappeared.

"Nice, *cough* I have something big to do early next year *cough* it's a surprise so I cant tell you" he winked and I rolled my eyes.

"Hai hai." I giggled and he chuckled back.

~ Time skip - some time later ~

A long time had passed and I was now 13, still on team Gai. We had more missions, one especially important that had changed a few things.


The ninja knocked out TenTen and Lee was kicked to the ground nearly out for the count.

"Neji, I need help here." I breathed heavily and Gai took on the leader while Neji made his way over.

"You ok-" he started before a ninja jumped from no where and Neji barely had time to react and shut off one of his chakra points, it wasn't enough.

He took out a handful of shuriken and launched them towards Neji. I didn't feel anything, I couldn't see, I couldn't hear. I was ultimately senseless.

Before I could do anything I regained my sight, not anything else. I saw Neji unconscious and a wall of cherry blossoms surrounding him.

Ketsu tackled the guy in her wolf form and I fell to my knees from chakra loss. Gai was by my side quickly but I couldn't hear anything he was saying. After a glance at the cherry blossom wall he nodded to himself, then I fell unconscious.

The Queen Of Cherry Blossoms~ Naruto fanfic (Neji love story)Where stories live. Discover now